Eating Disorder?
I'm almost 3 months post-op and I've lost a little more than 55 pounds. I'm being told by my dietician that it's okay, however I think I've developed somewhat of an eating disorder. I stopped eating breakfast, and lunch all together and will rarely have dinner. I'm being told that this isn't a good sign and was wondering if anybody else suffered from this particular side effect.
It's almost an obsession to lose weight. Any ideas?
What you are doing is not only detrimental to weight loss, but also dangerous if you continue. I don't want to scare you, but inform you.
A close friend, who is a Certified Fitness Trainer, gave me a valuable lesson concerning losing weight. The first thing he said is “You have to EAT in order to lose weight". I know, it sounds strange. He further explained, this does not mean to OVEREAT, but eat sensible portions. That means eat until you feel full (not stuffed).
He explained the body is a marvelous machine, and it will protect itself. If one doesn’t eat enough, the body’s metabolism will slow down - in order to keep it functioning. If a person intake is less then what it expels, the body will start to “store" food. If a person stay on this type of eating regiment over a prolonged period, the body starts to “eat itself" - which is extremely unhealthy and could be fatal.
According to my friend, the first thing the body will first start to “eat away" at is all the stored sugars in the body. After that has been depleted, the body then attacks all the (both good and bad) carbohydrates and fats. Finally the body starts to “digest" the proteins in the body. The proteins are mostly stored in muscle. One of the most important muscles our body has is the HEART. That’s why many anorexia patients die of heart problems - basically the body ate it away.
Since the operation, as long as I follow the rules I don’t feel hungry. So what I need to do is – I FORCE myself to eat at normal times. This includes BREAKFAST, LUNCH and DINNER !!
So please stop what you are doing, and force yourself into eating SENSIBLE meals.
Also, I would strongly suggest going to Support Groups; talk to your Doctor; and maybe reach out to Psychiatrists / Psychologists who deals with Bariatrics. Insurance should be able to cover it. Maybe not the person you originally saw, but someone in your plan.
“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight” The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Glad to see you are. THAT'S FANTASTIC!!
As for the weight loss - WHAT DOES YOUR DOCTOR SAY???? They would know best.
55 pound COULD be a lot, or right on target, or below. Again it depends on your beginning weight.
FYI I was around 50 pound in 3 months - but I also started at 435. Since I am unsure where you began, there is no right or wrong answer - except FROM YOUR DOCTOR.
Good luck. Know I am here if you need. And have safe; sensible and Happy Holiday
“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight” The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
I actually was at the Christmas party last night that my surgeon threw for us and there was a woman there who had a sleeve done, in August, and she was at 40 pounds. I kind of was embarassed to tell her how much I lost because I thought she was going to shake her head disprovingly. She did. lol.
I think it's ironic how I'm embarassed to say what I weigh because of how much it is but I'm also embarassed to say how much I've lost because of how much it is. -___- I'm so backwards.
Just please make sure you hit your Protein numbers. That will help with your weight loss, and keep you healthy. You don't want to lose weight by losing the healthy components of your body.
Remember you did to be healthy and live longer. Wouldn't it be ironic (in a bad way) that you become sicker because you're not following the rules? Those guidelines are there to HELP you lose weight SAFELY.
Always know I am here if you need. Especially being in NJ - and so close to my PT job & old "haunts" such as Mazurs & Wee Willies & Fatso Forgarty's - just to name a few :D
“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight” The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
I was always okay with my weight. Then, when I entered college, I met a boy that I really liked. He started pointing out really skinny girls as being "beautiful" and I started to feel really bad about myself.
I think my age makes me naive. Far more naive than most other people.
I think that's why this eating disorder thing is getting out of control as fast as it is. I'm working on it but it's hard to really know if it's bad because I had surgery, you know?
Thanks for all the help though. I think I just need to re-teach myself to think differently.