How many cc's are in your Realize Band.....I'm not losing with 6.5
I have the REALIZE....I was told I have an 11cc band and I am filled with 6.5 ccs....I am 6 1/2 months post op and I swear I can eat any and everything..... where as 3 mths ago I would get full faster. The P.A. at my last doctors appt would NOT fill me any more due to the fact that after she toof all my fluid out and put it back in she said she saw some come up.....and I felt it... BUT I had never had that happen before and I never had it happen again. My doctor told me when he placed my band he placed it kind of loose......I'm stuck! and I know my band and I know I need even if its just a little bit more like a 1/2 cc.....what do I need to do....and I would really like to know how many ccs other REALIZE bandits have in their bands.... :(
I haf no restriction with 6.5 ccs either. I lost weight very slowly because I was soooo hungry all of the time and I would eventualy give in and eat more than I should. I now have 9.7 ccs and I have good restriction on some days and some days I can eat too much if I wanted to. I guess some of us have to wait a long time to get any kind of restriction at all. Good luck.
I haf no restriction with 6.5 ccs either. I lost weight very slowly because I was soooo hungry all of the time and I would eventualy give in and eat more than I should. I now have 9.7 ccs and I have good restriction on some days and some days I can eat too much if I wanted to. I guess some of us have to wait a long time to get any kind of restriction at all. Good luck.
I had my Realize band put in 8/2010. It holds 11 cc. I have been aggressive with my fills because I have not felt restriction since after the first week right after surgery. Once the trauma/swelling had gone down from surgery I was able to get anything down without it getting stuck. I have not lost any more weight since the first week post-op. As of last week I had the PA fill it to its max and I got fluids down no problem. PA said that she has never seen anyone hold down liquids with the band full. I now have to go get an Upper GI test done to see what's going on. With the band now full i have some sense of restriction, but I know it is nothing to what it should be, especially with it filled to the max. Be aggressive with them. You went throught the surgery and you're not asking for them to do something outside of the Realize guidelines. Don't wait for that monthly appointment if you know after a week that the fill is not appropriate. Good Luck
VSG on 11/18/13
Well I am at 10.75cc... I am JUST now getting a medium size level of restriction. Some days better than others. I had surgery in March 2009 and have only lost about 60 pounds.
It can be a slow process. I will say that with my last fill, I have not really dropped weight but I have in the inches department. I have been told that I should not lose any more than 25 pounds at this point. I hope to get that off by my 2 year marker.
It can be a slow process. I will say that with my last fill, I have not really dropped weight but I have in the inches department. I have been told that I should not lose any more than 25 pounds at this point. I hope to get that off by my 2 year marker.
Myfitnesspal: MsDesire - Revision from Realize Band Patient
Height: 5'10" HW: 305 SW: 298 Surg Goal: 195 Endo Goal: 165
REALIZE Band on 02/09/10 with
I'm about 9.5 and don't feel much restiction. I thought I was the only one so I'm glad to see there are others on here.
I felt nothing at 6, which was my first fill. Now I'm at 8 but just had the fill yesterday so I think I'm a little sore because
I've had some stuck feelings. I would love to feel that this is my "sweet spot" but I have a feeling I'm not there yet. Definitely didn't expect it to take this long to start having restriction (my doctor will only do fills every 8 weeks)
Good luck
I've had some stuck feelings. I would love to feel that this is my "sweet spot" but I have a feeling I'm not there yet. Definitely didn't expect it to take this long to start having restriction (my doctor will only do fills every 8 weeks)
Good luck