
Finally got the insurance approval!! Is this really happening??

on 11/22/10 12:39 pm
It is my first time posting on this website and for me its kind of a new beginning. I'm so excited to join this community of people who have taken the steps to change their lives. I thought the wait would never end. It killed me that HBCBS makes you wait 6 months to prove you can lose weight. Today Wonda from Dr. Nusbaum's office called and tears rolled down my face as she told me that I would be in better shape for swim suit season! As a college student struggling at my weight I never thought it would be possible that I would be under 200lbs before I graduated. I am so excited now. I know what to expect surgery wise and my 2 friends have had it the surgery but neither have posted on the websites. I really am just looking for that extra support of those who understand what i'm going through. Is this really happening now? My surgery date is set for December 23. I wi**** was tomorrow at this point! Any advice out there?? 

thanks for taking your time to listen to my rant!
 <3 Gracie
on 11/23/10 8:28 am
Hello and welcome!  Your journey is just beginning and new and exciting times are ahead.  My advice:  take things slow after your surgery.  Allow yourself to heal.  That said, start walking ASAP, even if it's just to the mailbox and back.  Add a minute or two everyday to your walking routine and before you know it you'll be knocking off 5 miles in a little over an hour.  Also, sip, sip, sip water all day long.  Make sure to get your 64 oz. of water a day.  This is important.   Walk, walk, walk and sip, sip, sip! 
Best of luck and keep us posted on your journey.  YOU CAN DO IT!!!
on 11/29/10 7:57 am
 Thank you so much for the tips. I always tend to avoid walking even though I'm on a college campus and walking is inevitable. I got to start remembering to take the stairs every once in  a while! 

 <3 Gracie
on 11/23/10 2:35 pm - TX
I just had my lap band surgery 10/28, and the one thing I wish I had done BEFORE the surgery was get hooked up to this forum and attend a bariatric support group. There is so much wisdom to be shared, and everyone is great about sharing it.
on 11/29/10 7:57 am
 Good luck to you on your journey! 
 <3 Gracie
on 11/23/10 2:51 pm - New Freedom, PA
Welcome aboard! We'll clear a spot for you on the Losers' Bench in the Winners' Circle. 

My suggestion for preparing for life after the surgery is to sample a lot of protein shakes now to find ones you like before you really need them. You don't want to have the surgery and then find out that the shakes you stockpiled taste like dirty sweatsocks to you. I like the Special K bottled shakes and the Syntrax Nectar Chocolate Truffle shake mix.

I also bought unflavored protein powder (I use Genisoy) and added it to lo-cal instant pudding to make a fortified pudding once I was off of clear liquids. I'm actually eating some now since I just had a fill and have to cycle back through the food stages of liquid to soft to solid.

I'm sure others will chime in with their suggestions. Best of luck on your journey!

Rich -- "One Day at a Time, One Pound at a Time"
(Start: 292.6 / surgery weight: 265.0 / current: 205.6 / goal: 175.0)
on 11/29/10 8:06 am

thanks so much! I didn't even know the had unflavored protein powder. Does it have an after taste?? I'm still trying to find that shake that has a good flavor without an after taste.

 <3 Gracie
on 11/29/10 11:05 am - New Freedom, PA
Genisoy is a soy-based protein powder and there is some aftertaste. I don't find it objectionable and I mix it with chocolate fudge pudding which is a strong enough flavor to override the soy.

Someone at the last support group recommended Pro-Stat 64 protein drink. I'd never heard of it before and haven't tried it yet. All I know is that the nutritionist emphasized that we should look for protein isolate drinks and powders, not protein concentrates. The protein isolates provide complete proteins where the concentrates don't always. Of course, isolates are usually more expensive than concentrates. It doesn't matter the source of the isolate (soy, whey, whatever) just that it be isolate. Many of the little protein shots that are around are not complete and she recommended against them.

Rich -- "One Day at a Time, One Pound at a Time"
(Start: 292.6 / surgery weight: 265.0 / current: 205.6 / goal: 175.0)
Tom C.
on 11/23/10 5:32 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ


Sorry I missed this post earlier. CONGRATS on your great news. What a wonderful Christmas (Holiday) gift you’ll be getting.

Some suggestions before the operation:

Relax and know the Weight Loss Roller-coaster will continue until and after the operation. There will be highs and lows, but know it all works out.

Get to support groups – even before the operation. They are invaluable and a depository of information.

As suggested, taste protein drinks NOW. Some taste like sweat sock juice – so go to a reputable store (GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, etc) and usually they will take back the protein drink if you don’t like it.

If you can afford it - I suggest that everyone take at least two weeks - and here's why

(A) You need to get into the right "mind-set", especially when it comes to your "eating regiment". If you’re anything like me, in the past you never ‘ate’ when you were suppose to. You skipped meals, ate the wrong things, etc. In order to be successful, you need to follow the rules; eat at specific times; drink all day, etc. Even in an “office" atmosphere, sometimes things are hectic, and you may start “short changing’ yourself in the beginning. Get down a good foundation, and this way when things DO become CRAZED, you’ll know that no matter how nuts it is, YOU need to take care of YOURSELF FIRST

(B) I always feared, God-forbid what happens if something goes wrong, and I am at work. In my case, NO ONE could have picked me up if I fell. And many “on site nurses" have no bariatric training and/or knowledge. The anesthesia may also cause you to be groggy and/or cause body pain for a few weeks.

So if you have vacation time coming to you, then take it. If you don’t, and want to spread it over a “long weekend" – then do that too. But if you think you’re the type of person who can go back to work after a few days, then choose that.

Remember this is a tool, and go in with the idea that the tool itself won’t do the work. Think of a hammer and nail – to drive in the nail, it’s almost impossible to do it without a tool.  And when you have one, the hammer doesn’t do it all by itself. YOU need to SWING THE HAMMER. The hammer makes it a whole lot easier, but it’s STILL YOU WHO IS DOING THE WORK.


After the operation, here are 18 rules I’ve compiled. Hope they help.

(1) Get your daily Protein requirements in (60 – 80 grams – your Doctor/Nutritionist may have different target amount – so go by THEM

(2) Drink at least 64 ounces of non-carbonated/non-caffeinated liquid.

(3) No drinking while eating and/or 30 minutes before and/or after meals (your Doctor/Nutritionist may have different rules)

(4) Remember eat: Protein first, then fiber (ex veggies/fruits) then (if there is room) good (NON-starchy) carbohydrates.

(5) Before you put that piece in your mouth, ask yourself “Would I give this size to a baby?"

(6) Chew Chew Chew (at least 30 times, or until it feels like baby food consistency)

(7) Wait 30 to 60 seconds between putting another piece food in your mouth

(8) Each meal should take at least 25 to 30 minutes to complete

(9) Eat until you are full, not stuffed

(10) Make sure foods (especially meats) are moist

(11) Eat at the same time everyday

(12) Remember, during the operation they put the tool around your stomach, and not your brain. So, you will need to do some self control.

(13) Exercise – begin slow (example walk; climbing a flight of stairs; park in the furthest spot in the lot) and then gradually increase. My suggestion do two days; rest a day; do two days; rest a day; do two days, etc


(14) If you feel like “snacking" do something else (ex. Go outside; call a (WLS) friend; come to the board and post, etc)

(15) You must eat to lose weight!! Yes I know this a strange concept but if you don’t, your body will go into “starvation mode" and “store all it can".

(16) participate in a support group!!! It is a fact that those who attend supports groups have increased weight loss long term!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


 (17) ok .. a little gross and try to figure out what I am saying .. What you think may be a “GAS" may come out as a “Liquid" or “Solid" .. so BECAREFUL and BE PREPARED !!

(18) Know I am always here to help you !!


Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 11/29/10 8:04 am

Thank you so much on taking the time out to write such a detailed response! I actually had the pleasure of seeing you speak at a meeting at St. Petes one evening over the summer. I am lucky enough that I have winter break coming up and I scheduled my surgery from the month I am off from school. Your tips are really helpful and I really appreciate everything. I'm so concerned about over eating. I see the way I eat now and its such a high volume and I'm worried I'm not going to know when to stop with the band. 

 <3 Gracie
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