
Maladaptive Eating.

on 11/19/10 2:24 am - Davison, MI
My Dr. tells me that I have slipped into maladaptive eating patterns. 

Instead of eating protein dense foods that will fill up my pouch and keep me full longer....I am eating protein rich foods that are easily passed through.

For example...I have been eating foods like cottage cheese, chili, soups alot more than having 3oz. of steak, fish, chicken, turkey (solid, dense proteins) etc.   By doing this...I am getting more calories than I should because I can eat more before feeling full...which explains why the scale hasn't been making me very happy lately.  I have been up and down with the same 7 lbs. now for almost 3 months.  UGH!

He is 100% correct.  I guess I have tricked my brain into thinking that as long as I get all my protein requirements in...I'm doing everything right.  I went in thinking I needed a fill...but I just needed a reality check!

I walked out of there feeling pretty stupid because I should know better...but still glad that I went and got 'The Talk'  from him.   I have to go back in two weeks...we are going to evaluate my food diary and work together from there.  He was very kind and supportive but gave it to me straight which I appreciate.

So today...I commit to eating the right way and look forward to seeing positive results again.

My mantra:  Each day is an new opportunity to be happier, healthier and better than the day before.  I will live each day with enthusiam and be thankful for the many blessings that surround me. I will do my best to pay it forward whenever possible

Tom C.
on 11/19/10 8:43 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

Hate to say it - I would have never thought of this. Thanks for the education!!

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 11/20/10 5:38 am - Davison, MI
I never did either Tom.  I'm sure it is exactly why things have kind of stalled for me.  Its still that 'mind thing' unconciously working to figure out how I can eat more than I should.

My mantra:  Each day is an new opportunity to be happier, healthier and better than the day before.  I will live each day with enthusiam and be thankful for the many blessings that surround me. I will do my best to pay it forward whenever possible

on 11/22/10 3:52 am - New Freedom, PA
Thanks so much for sharing this. That is exactly the kind of thing I do! I never really considered it before. I always thought I ate a lot of cottage cheese (and string cheese) and greek yogurt because they were "good" and I didn't have to cook. Now that you've brought it to my attention and I think honestly about it, there is definitely a component of being able to eat a larger volume than I could of meat or fish. I really think I have a mind that always wants "more" -- no matter what it is.

I'm in a 12-Step recovery program and we talk about trying to fill a "hole in the soul." I've tried to fill that hole with many substances (both legal and not) as well as material possessions and food and it never stays filled. The 11th of the 12 Steps says "Sought ... to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understand him ..." and I've learned that that, and the fellowship I find in the meetings, is my best chance.

Thanks again for sharing your experience, strength and hope. 

Rich -- "One Day at a Time, One Pound at a Time"
(Start: 292.6 / surgery weight: 265.0 / current: 205.6 / goal: 175.0)
on 11/22/10 8:56 pm - Davison, MI
Hi Rich..thank you for your post. I completely agree with you about your (our) best chance is from fellowship. That is one reason why I love this website so much and my band support groups. No matter what we are trying to fill our 'hole in the soul' with...it absolutely helps when we share and receive.

Not to be corny or anything...but I have always found St. Theresa's Prayer to be a source of inspiration, strength and renewal for me. So much so that I even named my daughter Theresa Rose after St. Theresa of the Roses or sometimes know as St. Theresa of the Little Flower. I think it is fitting:

May today there be peace within.
May you trust your highest power that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into our bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of you.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family this weekend.

My mantra:  Each day is an new opportunity to be happier, healthier and better than the day before.  I will live each day with enthusiam and be thankful for the many blessings that surround me. I will do my best to pay it forward whenever possible

on 11/23/10 6:51 am - So. Orange County, CA
That is so lovely!  Thanks for sharing that.  And I have also experienced the same with the dense vs. slider stuff.  Good luck to you and hang in there.  Turkey day is coming soon and I am so scared of eating that dry stuff... even if it's "moist"  it's dry for me... always get stuck with poultry.  It's almost like I have to shred it up with a fork before taking my small bites.

I love that prayer.

                                 [Start:250; SW
:243; CW:218; GW:150]
       ~ Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying!          


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