
Any long time banders out there??

on 11/16/10 3:24 am
OK.  I have been reading all the posts on here for a few weeks.  The common theme here is that everyone is only 1-2 years out of surgery.  Are there any people that have had the band for more than 5 or 10 years?  I'm scheduled next week to get the band and I want a long lasting option, not just 1-2 years.  My surgeon asked me to explain why I wanted the band over the other 2 options and I said because it is less invasive.  So I would like to hear about experiences from people that have been banded for more than 5 years.  If there is any?
on 11/16/10 10:49 am - Vancouver, WA
Well I'm 3 years out and haven't had a great experience with my band so keep that in mind with my response. I think the band will work great for a volume eater but if you have a sweet tooth or like chips and crackers then the control is up to you because they all go thru just great even with good restriction. I really dislike the less invasive business that some docs push because it really isn't true. Every month or few months you need a fill, then if it is too much then an unfill and this can go on forever till or should I say if you get to good restriction. Myself I can't go much over 5ccs or I get reflux but this isn't enough to get me to good restriction so 3 years after all the work of getting the band I'm still basically dieting and have only lost a total of 30 lbs with the band. I could have done that on my own. It seems the longer I'm on the band board the more people I see with problems of one sort or another. Also if the band ends up not working or giving you horrible reflux (some get it even on an empty band) you end up having to have another surgery to get it out and then maybe yet another for a surgery that will work. So while it works great for some I'd say at least 1/3 to 1/2 of the people end up with some type of problem. Personally I would never suggest a band to anyone when there are other surgeries that work so much better with less drama. Best of luck whatever you decide!
on 11/16/10 12:28 pm - Athens, GA
Hun u won't find many long term bandsters. There are very few that have had them that length of time! Most have revised to other WLS's or have just had the band removed and given up.

And as far as the "least invasive" crap..............well I fell for that also. True, the band is the safest DURING the surgery. However, there are just so many things that happen AFTER surgery.....slips/port problems/leaks/erosion/esophageal dysmotility/etc. Had I known then what I know now I NEVER would have gotten the band!!!

I am now stuck with it. I have had it just over a yr. I have now had 14 fills and have NOT reached the "sweet spot". I had no insurance and wasted my money on the band and now cannot afford to revise to one of the EFFECTIVE WLS's!

If you are determinded to get the band then I would have to say good luck...........because I think you will really need it!!!
on 11/16/10 8:23 pm - MI
I know you are looking for long time banders and there are some out there...I hope they respond. I have had my band for 13 months, I have had no problems and have lost 84 lbs. The truth is that no surgery is right for everyone. The band works best for volume eatters as mentioned before. You need to look at the surgery that will work best for your eatting habits. The band does require you to have adjustments...that was one of the things that I liked about it...it is not a one size fits all tool. I have never required and unfill and have had 4 fills in 13 months. Best of luck in your decision.
MaMa M

on 11/16/10 8:30 pm - Davison, MI
I too have only had my band for 14 months but I don't regret my decision ONE BIT. I have lost 60lbs which I had never been able to accomplish without it.
I think you will have better luck finding long term banders on the lap band forum...I suggest posting your question there.
It all boils down to how committed we are to our own success...this can work. The band is only a tool to help...you still have to get your head into it and change your lifestyle.
Best wishes to you in whatever path you take.

My mantra:  Each day is an new opportunity to be happier, healthier and better than the day before.  I will live each day with enthusiam and be thankful for the many blessings that surround me. I will do my best to pay it forward whenever possible

Tom C.
on 11/16/10 10:05 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

To get true results concerning the band you need to look outside the United States. The Lap-Band was first approved in the US in 2001, but was used outside the US since 1994, so for those US 10 year results – they are just being acquired.


The Realize Band was approved in the US in 2007, but used outside the US since 1986 (when it was knows as the Swedish Adjustable Gastric Band – so 5 to 10 years results for Realize isn’t close to being acquired.


As mention, NO ONE SURGERY is best. If you go on ANY of the boards, you’ll read issues and dishearten posts from patients. Remember, the tool is only that – a tool. It’s suppose to help you, but YOU need to do the work.


For me, I am close to 3 years out and happier than ever. Do I wish I lost more weight? SURE DO!! Am I disappointed I am not at my self-imposed goal weight? HELL NO – because I am 190 pounds lighter than when I first began!!  I am also honest enough to say that this past year I haven’t been as diligent as I once was, so that’s why I haven’t really lost addition weight. I am learning how to live the “maintenance lifestyle".

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Stephanie M.
on 11/17/10 1:20 am
Copy and paste this onto the lap band forum too...lots of long-time bandsters on there and they are all very helpful...this board just isn't that active.


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


on 11/17/10 9:46 am - Athens, GA

Bette on the Lap Band forum I think is 7 yrs. out. (Very nice lady!) But she has had to have her band replaced. There are only a few on the Lap band forum that are 5-10 yrs, out that I have seen.

Good luck to u!!!
crystal M.
on 11/17/10 10:16 am - Joliet, IL


I have to say I have been a little disappointed with the results of my band.  I have lost a good amount of weight but I attribute that to my own hard work not my band.  It also took me 9 fills and 18 months to get good restriction.  So during the time before I had good restriction it was all me and my will power and lets face it if I had good will power I wouldn't need WLS. 

Despite everything I am doing good now but I restrict myself to about 1200 calories and I still feel hungry most days...which I kind of thought I wouldn't feel hungry anymore.  I also work out about 90 minutes a day, 6 days a week, and I take a 30 minute walk 5 times a week.  I've also started to incorporate stretching into my routine so I now do this about 20 minutes everyday.  I know it sounds like a lot but this is what I have to do to keep losing weight.  So I believe this is why I'm losing weight.  Without this intense exercise routine I lose hardly any weight at all.   

Does the band help...I guess but no where near as much as I thought it would.  I thought I would eat 4 oz of food and be full for 4 hours...that doesn't happen with me.  So if I was to do it again I would try a different surgery.  I'm not knocking the band because it does help about 10-20 % of the time but the rest is all me.   

Good luck with any surgery you decide to have. 
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