
Zero weight loss, only continued gaining, VERY FRUSTRATED!!

on 1/11/11 3:25 pm

I know how you feel. I had my surgery in July  2010 I lost 15lbs  10lbs in 2wk and  another 5lbs, but it took 6 weeks to lose that. I had my 1st fill on 12/1/10 still no restriction I'm so upset. 
on 2/1/11 11:08 pm - KS

Thanks for the inquiry, sorry it took me so long to reply!

I would say that I have made a tiny bit of progress since my last post from November.  I am up to 10 cc’s in the band but have gained about another 10 pounds :(  The TINY bit of progress that I am going off of is I have started to feel a little bit of restriction when I eat meat of some kind like a steak or a hamburger but that is only if I take big bites and eat quickly.  If I eat slowly, take small bites and completely chew up my food I don’t notice anything and I can eat the same portion size of food as I did before the surgery…..therefore, I have gained a total of about 30 pounds since my surgery in August.

My next fill was supposed to be today but my doctor is sick and we rescheduled for 2-7-11.  Once again, I am hoping that this next fill will make all the difference!  If after this next fill I still feel basically no restriction like I do now I am pretty much going to give up on this surgery working for me!  I know that is a negative attitude but I have been getting fills like clockwork, am up to almost the maximum of cc’s in my band and have gained 30 pounds…this is ridiculous!  My selfesteem is at an all time low and I can’t take the continued weight gain anymore!  I am probably going to join Jenny Craig.  My problem with that is if I do lose weight on the Jenny Craig program it will not be because of my band giving my restriction it will be because of the diet, which in turn means that I will not be able to get anymore fills because my doctor will see that I am losing weight and think that it is from the band even if I tell her that I don’t feel restriction.  I have had success on the Jenny Craig program in the past but always have trouble keeping the weight off.

Has anyone had over 11 cc’s in their band??

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