
Can the doc MISS the port during a tightening?

on 11/3/10 4:56 am - GA
Hi Everyone,

I had my Realize Band surgery 11/3/2009 - Exactly a year ago.  I've only lost 48 lbs.

I just had a tightening on Monday...two days ago...and I don't feel ANY restriction in what I can eat...is it possible that my doctor missed the port with the saline?  He doesn't use a ultraviolet light or anything...just by touch.

Please let me know if maybe I'm just out of mind! :-)

on 11/3/10 8:27 am - Vancouver, WA
Well anything is possible but most docs have had lots of practice. Often it takes days to weeks for the fill to settle in so you may feel it yet. Also if you are on liquids after the fill you may not feel it until you are back on solids so give it awhile. You usually need several fills before you have good restriction so don't give up.
on 11/3/10 8:29 am - So. Orange County, CA
Hi Ginger,

I thought that happened to me too.  I had surgery 7/20/10 and then had 5cc on 8/20; on 10/4 he put 1cc in and then I didn't feel any restriction.  I called him and made an appt. and explained that I felt more restricted before my 10/4 appt. and I thought there was a problem, so he extracted all the saline, which came up to 5.5 (so I lost 1cc or so - it confirmed no leak), then he added 3cc's that day; now I have a total of 8.5cc (which I thought was a lot) but he told me to stop comparing to other people because we're all different.  Since my appt. last week, I lost 2 lbs. already.  I feel satisified with smaller portions where before, I was eating everything with no problem and would get hungry.

If you think you have a problem or leak with your band, you should see your doctor.  Did you have restriction before your appt. 2 days ago?

Good luck,

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       ~ Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying!          


on 11/3/10 11:48 am - GA
Hi Anita,

Thank you so much for your reply.  I have been at the same weight loss since my 6 month appt in May.  I had a tightening then and didn't have another one until a couple of days ago. So, to be honest I haven't felt much restriction at all since May.  However, I'm not really sure how I'm SUPPOSED to feel. How do you feel?  Are you full after a small portion of food now? Do you get sick at all? I left a message for my doctor today and should hear back from him or his nurse tomorrow. 
on 11/4/10 12:06 am - So. Orange County, CA
I felt the same way... it was like, "is this the way it's suppose to be?" but it made a difference as far as feeling satisfied.  Maybe you need a little more fill.  When I didn't have enough, I can tell because I got hungry faster; seemed all the time.... it made me think of food "what's next, what can I have now" but now it's not like that and when I do eat, I concentrate on "am I full, should I stop" - and when I do, I go on to what I'm doing -  work, or reading a book, etc.  It was just a good feeling that there was nothing wrong with my band. 

That's good you made an appointment.  The doctor should be involved in your questions and progress/non-progress.  Keep us posted on what happens.  Keep it up, don't get discouraged.

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       ~ Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying!          


Tom C.
on 11/3/10 9:19 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

Fill question: Did the Doctor do it under fluoroscope? If not, that could be the reason you don't feel restriction, because you may need more.

OK, for those who know me, know you stumbled onto my pet peeve. In the future, please DROP THE WORD ONLY !! I get very upset to read, or hear, “I’ve lost only X pounds". Why use the word ONLY !?!?!?! Be proud of those pounds you lost!!! This is a major accomplishment!!


How many times were you NOT able to lose that amount of weight???? Or when you did, you gained it back?? Would you have rather gained 5 pounds??? If you lost weight, and haven’t gained it back, then aren’t you really winning?!?!?


Remember, this isn’t a race. “Slow and steady wins the race".  We are a generation of instantaneous results, however remember we didn’t put all the weight on at once, it took years. So don’t you think losing it would take just as long? This isn't one of those miracle instantaneous weight loss programs. We all know types of programs always fail. This is a way of life


Medical experts state that a normal HEALTHY weight loss is 1/2 a pound to 2 pounds a week, and the average loss for bariatric surgery is 1 to 2 pounds a week (of course you lose more in the beginning, and it tapers off). So 48 pounds in a year is just on target.


Nowhere does any of the literate state you will lose x amount of weight in x days. Think LONG TERM. If it takes you 2 – 3 -5 years to lose all the weight, WHO CARES!!! How long did it take you to put all those pounds on? Try to remind yourself that even if I lost only 1/2 pound per week, in year’s time I’d be 26 pounds lighter and two years it’s 52 pounds. Many doctors believe the slower you lose weight, the better chance you have of keeping it off. 


Many folks are hung up on the number. It’s not the number of pounds that someone loses in a specified period of time that is important. It’s how you feel. Don’t forget, if you are toning up muscle – your weight loss may seem to have slowed (or stopped), when in fact you are replacing fat with muscle. Muscle is heavier then fat. Someone weighting 200 pounds with a body fat percentage of 25 is carrying around 50 pounds of extra fat. That same person weighting 200 pounds with 10 percent body fat would be carrying 20 pounds of fat. So it’s not the number that is important.


The amount of weight lost is affected by many factors. Everyone loses weight at different rates. It has to do with age, gender, one’s weight, exercise, etc.. A 10 pound lost to one person could be as affected as a 40 pound lost to another. Think of it this way: If a 400-pound person loses 40 pounds; a 300-pound person loses 30 pounds, a 200-pound person loses 20 pounds, and a 100-pound person loses 10 pounds – the 400-pound person didn’t necessarily lose more weight than the others. All three lost 10% of their body weight. 


Also there are other “scales" you can use to monitor your success: your constant hunger reduction (eliminated); reduced clothing size; increase energy; re-familiarizing yourself to body-parts unseen for years (errr… toes) ; “common" activity becoming easier (walking, climbing steps), just feeling good about yourself; sleeping better (reduced snoring); the mirror; better medical exam results (lower cholesterol and/or blood pressure); etc.


So starting today – let’s officially start a movement to ban the word ONLY, and take pride in your lost


Finally, stalls are natural part of weight loss. It seems the body “catches on" to what we have been doing, and holds onto everything. After a while, the lost restarts and things go well.


However, stalls can also because by eating (a) too much (b) not enough. I know it sounds a little contradictory, and I will try to explain.


Too much: While we need to make sure we hit our protein requirements (60-80 grams, or whatever your Doctor told you), we need to make sure the carbs, calories, etc are “acceptable". Remember, you don’t want to make your 80 grams of protein by eating 4 gallons of ice cream or a starchy carb.


Not enough: Again, make sure you are meeting your daily protein requirements. THIS IS IMPORTANT TO WEIGHT LOSS. The body is a marvelous machine, and it will protect itself. If one doesn’t eat enough, the body’s metabolism will slow down - in order to keep itself functioning. If a person intake is less then what it expels, the body will start to “store" food.


Be proud of your lost. No matter how small it may seem. Remember, it’s better to lose not a pound than to GAIN an ounce.


GOOD LUCK and know I am here for you!!!

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 11/4/10 12:43 am - So. Orange County, CA
You say it so right, Tom! 

Protein:  I just got my order of NECTAR, it is so good for being protein, taste like juice!  It's easy to drink and you don't have to drink much for 23g a serving!

Activities:  Yes, try to do something every day.   Even if it's just walking your dog.  (She needs the walk too!)  I find if I miss a day, I feel guilty.  But sometimes time does not allow and you just do it the next day and you try harder (walk longer, add in a  "spurt" - jog) it gets easier if you keep consistent.

That's it for now... let's work our bands!

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       ~ Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying!          


Ktisha M.
on 12/9/10 6:25 am - Batson, TX

ME TOO!!!!! I have not felt any restriction since my 3 month..... and I had the same thoughts....what if they missed? I think we just need more in our bands. At my last Dr appt about 2mths ago....they took it all out and put it back in.....I had restriction for about an hour.... and then it settled......I can eat any and everything....ALMOST.....NO I still don't eat as much as I did.....and thats why I don't gain....BUT I'm not losing.....and i'm not happy about it....lol.... I am about to either tell my Drs office that I want my surgeon to fill me and not the PA or find another doctor......and my port is hard to hit by feel.....and when the P.A. done my fill I could hear and fill the needle hitting and grinding on the plastic around the port......and they do it under floroscope....It scared the crap out of me.....previous to my band...I have NEVER had any other surgical procedure done.... So...if you get a fill before I do.....let me know if you feel a difference please..

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