
Weird Accomplishments

on 11/3/10 4:42 am - Lyndhurst, NJ
Yesterday, I took a bath and for the first time the water covered me completely when I layed down. The day before that, I sad with my knees to my chest and was able to hook my arms around my knees. Two weeks ago, I realized I lost a shoe size and could now wear knee-high boots. Anybody else find themselves noticing small, but significant accomplishments? What can you guys do now that you couldn't before besides wear smaller clothes?
Tom C.
on 11/3/10 9:06 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ
I am sorry, I lost you at you were taking a bath ... what came after that ????

CONGRATS TO YOU!! I know exactly how you feel. This happen to me recently. NOTHING feels better than these NON-SCALE VICTORIES!!! 

There are a ton (no pun intended) of things I can do now that I could do before. Here are some highlights:

Kneeling in the pew without my (_________o_________) touching the bench

Able to cross my legs, without me having to "assist" myself by pulling on my socks


Walking up the stairs without moaning and groaning, and hearing POPPING noises - not from the steps but my bones

Able to sit in an airline seat - without spillage - and without a lap extender

Running 3.5 miles. Hell I didn't even run a 1/3rd of a mile in High School

OK there is more, but you get the point.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 11/4/10 11:37 pm - Lyndhurst, NJ
That's awesome! I haven't been on an airplane yet but the last time I was on an airplane was able to jusssstttt click the seatbelt without needing an extender. I was terrified, looking around hoping nobody would notice. Mostly because I'm 19 and that's socially mortifying to me.

I can't even imagine running a mile, let alone three.

Congratulations! :DDD
on 11/3/10 9:55 pm - Davison, MI
Hoorah for the both of you...these are great things to share.

2 weeks ago I flew to Kansas for my nieces wedding...I actually put the seat belt on and had to tighten it! I was able to put the tray down and have SPACE between me and the tray!

I had someone at work yesterday that I don't see often tell me that I look like a completely different person than I did a year ago...and that I was looking fabulous! (that made me feel so GREAT!)

My son told me that I am not a muffin top anymore! (HUGE compliment coming from a 14 year old boy).

I can buy clothes in the regular girl section now and not the plus size section!!

I can cross my legs comfortably without propping my foot on something to hold it there!

My husband told me that I am much more flexible. (I'll leave it there...use your imagination. Yeah!!)

I have mastered the eliptical at the gym!! It still kicks my butt but I stuck with it!

I can wrap a towel around me and it actually covers me completely!

So many more...all thrilling to me. Woo Hoo for us all right!!!

My mantra:  Each day is an new opportunity to be happier, healthier and better than the day before.  I will live each day with enthusiam and be thankful for the many blessings that surround me. I will do my best to pay it forward whenever possible

on 11/4/10 11:42 pm - Lyndhurst, NJ
I completely understand with the towel. I wrapped a towel around myself and it covered me completely, too and I was ecstatic. I crossed my legs the other day in class, too. It was still a little rough but it worked lol.

congrats on these accomplishments. I do think it's these things you notice more. I can stand on the scale all I want and see how much weight I've lost, but it doesn't really do much for me. In all honesty, I don't believe it most of the time.

I'm still waiting to go on a rollercoaster. The last time I fit in the restraints I was 15 and have since had to pretend I was scared of rides in order to not be embarassed by it. I can't wait to finally go on with my friends.
on 11/4/10 7:11 am - Germantown, TN
Crossing my legs was a big one for me!! 

Also, just resting my head/jawline in my hand I could tell my face feels so much smaller!

All of my spandex/workout clothes are too big!!

Having to buy new/smaller undies!! And clothes of course...

I'm short, so not having my belly touch the steering wheel while driving is a great feeling as well!

Oh, and just last night I forced myself to get on the treadmill, I ran 1.5 miles non-stop and walked a bit more after that....I NEVER could run a mile...maybe .25 and that was pushing it!!

One more...my 6 year old son saying "Hey Mom, I think that Band thing is working for you"....Priceless!!  
Cathlena - 39, 4'11"   Start - 210  3/31/09    BMI  Start: 42.4    
 LilySlim - (OdX3)
on 11/4/10 11:44 pm - Lyndhurst, NJ
I just recently had to move my seat in my car forward, that was really nice too.

That's awesome that you can run that much, I wish I could lol I'm not at that point yet. I can't even imagine running nonstop.

Children are adorable. My goddaughter, who's 3, told me I look more like a girl. Lol. I don't know what that means, but I'll take it.


It's so cool to see that other people notice these things too
on 11/5/10 12:11 am - Germantown, TN
Out of the mouth of babes, right?? LOL...they are so cute!

Well I am definitely feeling the burn..it started kicking in last night...pretty sore today.  I'm going to force myself to get back at it before the weekend is out though!!  I'm still amazed I was able to run!!

I got a .3 fill yesterday and I am down 2 pounds - that made me break into the 130's...YIPPEEE  I am so excited I just can't take it....only 4 pounds to my original goal of 135...then onto my
I can't believe it goal - 130 and then my Holy Schneikes goal of 125 or lower!! 
Cathlena - 39, 4'11"   Start - 210  3/31/09    BMI  Start: 42.4    
 LilySlim - (OdX3)
on 11/19/10 10:54 pm
Well, I know this is clothes related but being able to buy cute stuff out of the dollar general and family dollar in size 8 or 10 is awesome. Cheap as all get out too. Its weird to tell folks that I'm going to buy detergent and tissue and pick up an outfit from the dollar store. Also, my rings fit irregularly and my bracelet has to dangle like a belt bc I have to put the clasp after the 5th loop. My shoe size has changed dramatically as well for all of my winter shoes so they have to be given away. Its also weird when I go to sit in the middle row of the church isle and there is elbow space for me because I'm dangling off the sides. This entire world of being smaller is awesome and I wouldn't ever want to trade it. But the biggest and the best accomplishment of them all is being able to race my 8 year Goddaughter into stores and to the car. She used to take pity on me for being so big and now she looks at me like some sort of hero. ****Tears*****

Left the band and rocking with RNY.
They say I have an eating disorder but I say, I have my eating in order.         


on 11/22/10 8:43 am - Lyndhurst, NJ
That's all really awesome stuff. I can relate tremendously. I think one of my favorite things is racing my mother (who is 5'7 and 140) to the car and almost winning and not being out of breath. That's a huge HUGE accomplishment for me as well. Continue on, and good luck.
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