
Please help me decide...

Tom C.
on 10/30/10 11:00 am, edited 10/30/10 11:17 am - Mount Arlington, NJ



You’re probably going to dislike what I am going to say, but please understand I am saying this with concern and your best interest. So if I offend you, I am sorry but I don’t mean to (remember print is cold and true feeling probably won’t be conveyed)


My suggestion – you need to do a lot more research before making any decision. Whatever surgery you chose, the decision is a major one and should not be taken lightly or be expected to “be the cure all".


There is no guarantee ANY bariatric surgery will STOP the hunger feelings. In MY case (as long as I follow the rules) I rarely get hungry, but that doesn’t mean I don’t continue to get the “hunger" feeling. That’s because there is a difference between REAL hunger and HEAD hunger.

Since they put the tool around your stomach, and not around your brain, you need to (A) differ between these two hungers (B) know what to do if/when you get head hunger. The only way you learn to deal with HEAD hunger is by: speaking to nutritionists; speaking to your Doctor; speaking to a psychologist/psychiatrist; going to support meetings; reading (books; articles; web sites; etc).

There are a lot of “rules" you need to follow in order to be successful. The TOOL does not do it for you. YOU DO IT FOR YOU – the TOOL helps. 
Think of a hammer and nail – to drive in the nail, it’s almost impossible to do it without a tool.  And when you have one, the hammer doesn’t do it all by itself. YOU need to SWING THE HAMMER. The hammer makes it a whole lot easier, but it’s STILL YOU WHO IS DOING THE WORK.


I too was one of those people who went the WHOLE day without eating – but once I came home for dinner I would eat a TRAY of lasagna & a TRAY of eggplant parmesan & have meatballs and sausage & bread and butter & DIET soda (have to have that DIET soda). Once you have the operation you learn you need to eat (at least) 3 meals a day – and drink 64 ounces of NON-CARBONATED DECAFFEINATED liquid – and never drink 30 minutes before/after or during you meal. You need to take vitamins (I never did that). Again there are a lot of RULES you need to follow.


As for which band (or procedure) is better – of course you’ll read pros & cons depending on manufacture and/or procedure desired. I like the REALIZE band better because of it’s history (as the Swedish Adjustable Gastric Band). Again, RESEARCH the difference; history; and success rates.


Your statement “ finally I want to take out the Band after 2 years. if by 2 years I have learnd and brought down my BMI good if not there is no point to keep it while the risk of complications go up." … only illustrates that you need to do more research. You need to understand (and any Surgeon who know his stuff will confirm) this DEVICE IS FOREVER!! It’s very VERY RARE for a patient to have the band removed – and even more RARE for that patient to remain SUCCESSFUL WITHOUT the tool. If you really “have your mind set" to have the device removed – what most Doctors do it UN-FILL the band and see how you do over 6 months. If you remain successful, then they discuss removing it. But even after that time (A) there is no guarantee you will remain success (B) you need to remember THIS IS ANOTHER SURGERY!!! There are risks involved, and are you willing to take it and/or PAY for ANOTHER SURGERY?  


And why after GRAD school do you think it would be easier? What’s going to happen when work “gets in the way"? or if you get married? Or have kids? – remember LIFE isn’t always WILLING TO WORK with US!! It can be hard – and STRESSFUL – and how you deal with that is important.


OK – I am off my soapbox. And you may dislike me, and think I am an (_____O_____) – but I just want you to understand what to expect – and to THINK ABOUT this before making any rash decisions.


Not sure if my fellow bariatric siblings will agree with me – but this is MY opinion (and yes I know what they say about opinions) and I AM STICKING WITH IT!!


Please know I am writing this will all my best intention, and I am here if you need.

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 10/30/10 11:37 am
Thanks Tom
I appreciate your comment

I did look into SVG as well in details
my options are sleeve and REalize right now but I want to have the option to remove it one day so I will go with REALIZE and will use it as atool to loose this 100lb then ask the doc to unfill it and see how that work for 6 months ..
that sounds like the best option
if I dont have any complications I will keep it but if I get any I will get rid of it and will do all I can to keep my wieght down .

at grad school I am sitting onmy butt the whole day and night studying but at work i will be more flexible and I can get some time off to work out
beside when I am at a good weight  I have more hope to keep that way and there is no pressure on my knee (which I had a surgery on before)

so as of now I am looking for a great doctor for Realize that accepts any medicaid plan.  hopefully I can get it done by summer when I have a bit time off.

thank you tom and everyone else.. I am still all ears.
on 11/1/10 3:20 pm - Athens, GA
U may want to read this b4 u get your band for 2 yrs.!


If the ASMBS is saying how ineffective it it that says a lot right there!!!




on 11/1/10 3:39 pm
Thanks Maria,

I know the chance of losing weight and keep it down and also the comlications in Band is different than VSG and I have looked into that. but I am not ready to take the plunge on something un-reversible for BMI of barely 36, If I was over 40 BMI I think I would go with sleeve but right now I think I can handle it with band
I will discuss it with Dr David Buchin in my consult and see what he says.

on 11/1/10 4:28 pm - Athens, GA
Hun the VSG is not the only other WLS. There is also RNY and DS. Keep your options open.

Now as far as being reversible it's NOT. It can b removed..........but the damage done from the band is there!




on 11/1/10 10:28 pm
the other options are more dramatic changes to anatomy which again I am not ready for right now.

to my understanding
GERD is possible with all these surgeries,

Band slipping is 2% chance and if it needs surgery to be repaird I will probably take out for good.

Errosion is .05% chance in higher restriction bands and that is the worst thing I can think of that band could do and I think I will take my chances with that and pray.

but again I will see what the surgeon thinks.
I will let u know.

on 11/2/10 10:39 pm - Mexico
On November 1, 2010 at 10:39 PM Pacific Time, doctorman wrote:
Thanks Maria,

I know the chance of losing weight and keep it down and also the comlications in Band is different than VSG and I have looked into that. but I am not ready to take the plunge on something un-reversible for BMI of barely 36, If I was over 40 BMI I think I would go with sleeve but right now I think I can handle it with band
I will discuss it with Dr David Buchin in my consult and see what he says.

You are in denial, you are considered not just obese, but seriously obese.  There is a normal BMI, overweight, obese, seriously obese, morbidly obese, malignantly obese.  You are seriously obese.

I doubt welfare would pay for a sleeve, they typically cover bands and bypass.

The term is not un-reversible, it is non reversible and the band is most certainly not reversible, it is removable.  The damage and scarring to your stomach are forever.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 11/2/10 10:57 pm, edited 11/2/10 10:58 pm
Yeah I think I am in denial. I was thinking about it this morning that ideal weight for me is not 80lb less but 100lb less.

but I do think that I did researcha nd I read a lot about the different procedures.
again I narrowed it down to REALIZE and Sleeve and I will see what the surgeon recomeneds.

and please forgive my engli**** is not my first language and I didnt proof read before I post.

you are saying I am not ready for surgery eventhough I am severly obese ... not sure what you are recomendaing?

on 11/2/10 11:08 pm - Mexico
On November 3, 2010 at 5:57 AM Pacific Time, doctorman wrote:
Yeah I think I am in denial. I was thinking about it this morning that ideal weight for me is not 80lb less but 100lb less.

but I do think that I did researcha nd I read a lot about the different procedures.
again I narrowed it down to REALIZE and Sleeve and I will see what the surgeon recomeneds.

and please forgive my engli**** is not my first language and I didnt proof read before I post.

you are saying I am not ready for surgery eventhough I am severly obese ... not sure what you are recomendaing?

Okay, that makes sense.  I was really doubting your words but this makes perfect sense.  If English is not your primary language that explains the grammar for a grad student.

You'd be surprised how many people claim a doctorate on these boards.

Many are in denial in the beginning but  you have not even started your research.  There are soooo many issues surrounding obesity.  Did you know that those who lose their band can bank on a 4% chance of maintaining their weight loss?  Obesity is a disease, it is not a character flaw.  There is no cure for obesity, only treatments and the best treatment is surgery.

Banding offers the slowest weight loss, the least weight loss, the highest regain, and the most complications.  According to the band maker you should lose about 30% of your excess weight by the 5 year mark.  (think regain)

Now tell me, if you sincerely researched your options, why are you choosing one of the more complicated filled surgeries that offers the least weight loss?  ;o)

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 11/2/10 10:33 pm - Mexico
On October 30, 2010 at 6:37 PM Pacific Time, doctorman wrote:
Thanks Tom
I appreciate your comment

I did look into SVG as well in details
my options are sleeve and REalize right now but I want to have the option to remove it one day so I will go with REALIZE and will use it as atool to loose this 100lb then ask the doc to unfill it and see how that work for 6 months ..
that sounds like the best option
if I dont have any complications I will keep it but if I get any I will get rid of it and will do all I can to keep my wieght down .

at grad school I am sitting onmy butt the whole day and night studying but at work i will be more flexible and I can get some time off to work out
beside when I am at a good weight  I have more hope to keep that way and there is no pressure on my knee (which I had a surgery on before)

so as of now I am looking for a great doctor for Realize that accepts any medicaid plan.  hopefully I can get it done by summer when I have a bit time off.

thank you tom and everyone else.. I am still all ears.
It is not SVG, it is VSG.

You aren't ready for surgery and any surgeon who met you would make you read up on the issues of obesity.  It is most clear you have not done so yet.

Don't waste hard earned tax dollars, educate yourself on obesity and WLS types.  You are getting a free ride, don't blow it. 

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
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