
No weight loss

on 10/20/10 2:39 am - UT
I had a revision from lapband to lapband. My new band was put in on 9/9/09. My last visit my doctor said I can't believe I have actually helped you gain weight. I just keep gaining. I am at about 7 or 8 cc's. I do have some restriction but I am almost always hungry. I eat and 2 hours later or less I am hungry again. I miss my old 4 cc band. I was miserable, but I was 30 pounds lighter. I am so scared of gaining all my weight back. Has any one not lost weight with the realize band?
on 10/20/10 5:09 pm - Athens, GA
Well I have the Lap Band and I have lost weight.............but only through DIETING! I have just had my 13th fill and still no restriction. It has been a complete waste of time and $ for me!!!
Jennifer H.
on 10/26/10 12:49 am - NJ
OH NO! That's depressing.
My VSG is scheduled for March 29th!
Tom C.
on 10/20/10 10:06 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

Native NYer – being a NYer myself, I know what I am about to write may read harsh, but it’s not meant to. I hope you can read the concern I have for you.

Let me first start off and state that the band (or bypass) isn’t 100% successful for everyone. Remember, if one of these tools were 100%, then Doctors would only be doing that procedure.

Here is question (again, I am not judging or accusing) are you following ALL THE RULES? If you’re not, that could be the issue. And if so, are you following them: all the time; most of the time; sometime? Again, how often you follow the rules is key.

The following is just a suggestion

As I tell anyone who has gained weight, you need to go BACK TO THE BASICS. In all the time I’ve gained some weight back, I realize why and went BACK TO THE BASICS. And when I do, I lose what I have gained.


What you need to do is pretend you just had the operation and do a few days (1 week) of liquids, then soft food, then regular foods. What you are actually doing is purging/detoxifying your body of those “bad" foods that can/will cause cravings.


You need to go back and follow the rules that made you successful. You need to have the 64 ounces of NON-CARBONATE/DECAFFEINATED liquid. You need to have your 60 to 80 grams of protein. You need to make sure you don’t drink 30 minutes before/after or during your meal. 


What you need to remember is they put the band around your stomach, and not around your brain. You will need to use some self control when it comes to food. If you are hungry stop and ask yourself is this real hunger or head hunger. Asking that alone will probably be an indication it’s head hunger, so you know what to do. Get busy doing something else. If that doesn’t work, EAT – but SOMETHING HEALTHY. Have some salad; vegetables, PROTEIN, etc.


Some other points to ponder:


You need to get to support groups. Look on line to find ones around you. Maybe someone else has a similar issue, and hearing their story, and solution, could be beneficial.


I am elated to know your are discussing this with your Doctor. That’s why they are there. However, if you feel you’re not getting the proper support from them, then you need to go to another Doctor. Remember you are the client/consumer. If you’re paying for a service, you want the best service for that money. If not, move on. You are worth THE BEST because YOU ARE THE BEST !!


You also need to speak to a Nutritionist. You may swear you’re following the rules, but you may be “missing something". Example, I know someone who was gaining weight. The only change they “swore" they made was drinking coffee. After speaking to the Nutritionist was it discovered it wasn’t the coffee – but the CREAM being added to the coffee. The person never realized that, and once dropped the cream lost the weight. Many insurance companies allow you to see one X amount of times per year. Contact your insurance company.


Go and speak to the person who did your psych exam, or see someone new. Again, insurance should be able to cover it. Maybe not the person you originally saw, but someone in your plan.


Please remember what you are going through, others are too. You’re not alone.


Be proud with all the proper steps you are taking in addressing this issue. That’s takes STRENGTH and COURAGE!!


And finally, the band may not be for you. If not, know there are other options out there. Remember it’s the ultimate goal is getting you healthy.


Good luck – and know I am here if you need.


Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 10/21/10 2:54 am
i have a realise band and i got mine 26july2010 and i have lost 2lbs!!!!!!!! i have had one fill and feel no restrictions what so ever. so maybe i'm thinking i made the wrong decision maybe i should have went with another tpye of WLS? who knows? but it's been hard work for me since my surgery with dieting exercising and i'm still not seeing results. i feel as if i work so very hard to stay on task then i get on the scales and i've not lost any weight.
on 10/21/10 5:52 am - UT
Thanks everyone. I'm pretty sure I suffer from operator error. My first band was just so easy and this one is going to make me work for every ounce. I guess I will pull out my band info. regroup and not give up. Thanks again!!!
crystal M.
on 10/21/10 10:25 am - Joliet, IL

I got my Realize band in March 2009.  It took me about a year and 9 fills before I got to my optimum restriction ( I have 9.8 ccs in my 11 cc band).  I was always losing along the way, I was just losing at a really slow rate.  But after my last fill and a change in my attitude I started losing again.  I don't really get hungry physically any more but I do get hungry mentally.  I just have to say no when I'm tempted with BAD foods.  What I mean about a change in attitude is that I really kept track of my food and fluid.  I follow the rules (no cheating).  I also work out an hour a day 5 days a week.  Last week I just past my 100 pound mark!!!  Sometimes I do feel like I;m doing all of the work but hey I'm losing weight so who cares. 

Good luck with your band and I hope it all works out for you. 

on 12/13/10 3:23 am - Racine, WI
Some days I just can't help and laugh at some of the postings. I have had my band since 9/10. NO weight loss since having to eat jello the first week. People talk about eating the right amount of protein, drinking all the water, and making good food choices. That is all fine and dandy and I did that for years, in fact, several times to lose over 100+ lbs each time. I did that without the band, but I was not able to keep the weight off. Now, will someone tell me exactly why I went through the surgery if I'm being told to do the same thing: eat lean protein, drink water, eat more fruits and veggies?????????????????????????????????????except this route IM NOT LOSING WEIGHT AND HAVE NO RESTRICTION!!! (i have 11cc put in my 11cc band)  Atleast when i was working out and losing weight I could understand why I didn't lose weight one week if I didn't follow the plan. But how the hell do i not lose weight with a band in?!? I'm just so frustrated. Why did I go through this crap? I get the eating healthy, but I didnt' get fat from eating healhty food. If I have pizza one day, the band should not allow me to eat half or all of it. I thought if I started to overeat, the band would "stop me" and I would get sick and throw up. No such luck. So i guess no pizza for me....that's not happening!!! No pizza the rest of my life???? I can just hear people saying "well only eat two pieces, listen to ur body, are u hungry or is it head hunger?" That's BS!!! This band should not allow me to overeat...........I'm just tired of being fat and I'm just venting..but I sure would like to see some freakin results. I've lost weight faster through good ole fashion diet and exercise....maybe I should have lost the weight first and then had a band put it, but not sure if then it would do its job of not allowing me to over eat and gain weight back yet again.
Tom C.
on 12/13/10 5:26 am - Mount Arlington, NJ



I need to begin with: PLEASE REMEMBER PRINT IS COLD!! What I am about to write may read in a way that is not conveyed properly. So please UNDERSTAND I am ASKING questions – not chastising and I am really here to help .. with all that said …


My first question to you (and anyone in a similar situation) – Have you spoken to your Doctor and/or Nutritionist about this? If not, WHY ?!?!? That’s why they are there!!! YOU are a COSTUMER and they sold you “a product". I couldn’t imagine you spending 10,000+ on a television, and not COMPLAINING to the person who sold it to you if it did not work.


Now, where did you get the idea that the band should not allow you to eat pizza? NO WHERE in any literature I’ve ever read did I read the band will prevent you from eating XX. In fact, a really good place band should allow you to eat ANY food – but in moderation. The band cannot tell what you should and shouldn’t be eating. YOU NEED TO DO THAT. If your Doctor, Nutritionist and/or Psych Doctor never informed you of this, I am truly sorry.


I am one of those who talk about real vs. head hunger. There is no guarantee ANY bariatric surgery will STOP the hunger feelings. In MY case (as long as I follow the rules) I rarely get hungry, but that doesn’t mean I don’t continue to get the “hunger" feeling. That’s because there is a difference between REAL hunger and HEAD hunger. Since they put the tool around your stomach, and not around your brain, you need to (A) differ between these two hungers (B) know what to do if/when you get head hunger. The only way you learn to deal with HEAD hunger by: speaking to nutritionists; speaking to your Doctor; speaking to a psychologist/psychiatrist; going to support meetings; reading (books; articles; web sites; etc).



There are a lot of “rules" you need to follow in order to be successful. The TOOL does not do it for you. YOU DO IT FOR YOU – the TOOL only helps. Think of a hammer and nail – to drive in the nail, it’s almost impossible to do it without a tool.  And when you have one, the hammer doesn’t do it all by itself. YOU need to SWING THE HAMMER. The hammer makes it a whole lot easier, but it’s STILL YOU WHO IS DOING THE WORK. Again, if your Doctor, Nutritionist and/or Psych Doctor never informed you of this, I am truly sorry.


I feel your frustration. If I were you, I would go back to the Doctor and say WTF ?!?!?!??!? Maybe the band isn’t right for you. It’s not a magical cure all, and it doesn’t work for everybody. Again, IMHO your Doctor, Nutritionist and/or Psych Doctor should have informed you of this fact.


I feel your pain, and wish you the best. Please know I am here if you need. I wish you all the best, and (despite what is going on) I wish you the happiest Holiday.

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 12/13/10 8:18 pm - Racine, WI
I have spoken to my Dr. and i have an Upper GI ordered as i mentioned in previous post. I never stated that the band would prevent me from eating pizza altogether, but that my understanding was that the band would provide me with a feeling of fullness so that I wouldn't overeat something like pizza, fries, hamburgers, etc etc. I have read so much material, and not just on the Realize band, but in healthy and fitness as well. I have read many self help books, psychological books and I am seeing a therapist to address my personal issues with food. I am just very disappointed, to this date, on the job the band is doing. I am fully accountable on my part, but I should not being doing this "alone".  I was doing it alone before the band and thought the band would be helping me conquer this battle. Guess as of today I am still alone (band def not helping). Support groups are great but I could be going to WW support groups for weight loss support if I didnt have the band on, which is what i used to do. BAND as of today still SUCKS!!
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