
Banded 9/29/10

on 10/4/10 7:04 am - huntington beach, CA
Hi, I am 30 years old, I just had the lap band surgery on sept 29, 2010. More specifically the realize band. I am new to all this bariatrics surgery stuff. So I was just seeking any advice anyone would like to share with me on how to be more successfull with my weight loss.

on 10/4/10 10:09 am
Hi and welcome. I'm farely  new as well had surgery on 09/22... just remember to follow what your doctor tell you, rest, get your water in, protein and walk. I know that I was very tired the first week and just rested.  This is such a great site and everyone is very helpful.....
on 10/4/10 9:54 pm - Davison, MI
Hi there and welcome to the world of being a bandster. I would agree with following what your Dr. tells you first and foremost.

I think that going to a support group is very helpful ...my surgeons office has a meeting once a month and his hosted by the nutritionist. It really helps to hear others stories and questions.

Also...exercise is key! Start slowly and work your way up. I find that when I hit a plateau with the scale...I still can loose inches when holding fast to my exercise routine.

Don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day. Let it go and start fresh the next morning. We all mess up here and there and eat something we shouldn't. While the band helps to lessen the volume of food we can eat, we all still have the head, emotional struggles that got us to the point of bariatric surgery. The band is a tool, not the solution. So stay the course, be kind and forgiving to yourself, and celebrate each victory.

My last bit of advice is to keep your measurements. It is very encouraging for me to see a log of not only how much weight I have lost, but how many inches I have lost as well. Like I said earlier, you may encounter a stall on the scale but your body will continue to reshape itself. You can loose inches without loosing pounds sometimes. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat...so while the scale isn't moving down your waistine can!!

This is a wonderful website...keep reading the posts. I suggest you go to the lapband forum too as there tends to be more posts and activity there.

Best wishes to you!

My mantra:  Each day is an new opportunity to be happier, healthier and better than the day before.  I will live each day with enthusiam and be thankful for the many blessings that surround me. I will do my best to pay it forward whenever possible

on 10/6/10 1:21 pm
Tom C.
on 10/6/10 6:24 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

I posted this a few months ago, maybe it will help.

Please feel free to add your advice. The more input, the better we can help our WLS brethren

(1) Get your daily Protein requirements in (60 – 80 grams – your Dr/Nut may have different target amount

(2) Drink at least 64 ounces of non-carbonated/non-caffeinated liquid.

(3) No drinking while eating and/or 30 minutes before and/or after meals (your Dr/Nut may have different rules)

(4) Remember eat: Protein first, then fiber (ex veggies/fruits) then (if there is room) good (NON-starchy) carbohydrates.

(5) Before you put that piece in your mouth, ask yourself “Would I give this size to a baby?"

(6) Chew Chew Chew (at least 30 times, or until it feels like baby food consistency)

(7) Wait 30 to 60 seconds between putting another piece food in your mouth

(8) Each meal should take at least 25 to 30 minutes to complete

(9) Eat until you are full, not stuffed

(10) Make sure foods (especially meats) are moist

(11) Eat at the same time everyday

(12) Remember, during the operation they put the tool around your stomach, and not your brain. So, you will need to do some self control.

(13) Exercise – begin slow (example walk; climbing a flight of stairs; park in the furthest spot in the lot) and then gradually increase. My suggestion do two days; rest a day; do two days; rest a day; do two days


(14) If you feel like “snacking" do something else (ex. Go outside; call a (WLS) friend; come to the board and post, etc)

(15) You must east to lose weight!! Yes I know this a strange concept but if you don’t, your body will go into “starvation mode" and “store all it can".

(16) ok .. a little gross and try to figure out what I am saying .. What you think may be a “GAS" may come out as a “Liquid" or “Solid" .. so BECAREFUL and BE PREPARED !!


(17) participate in a support group!!! It is a fact that those who attend supports groups have increased weight loss long term!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(18) Know I am always here to help you !!

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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