
5 weeks out....

(deactivated member)
on 9/29/10 4:27 pm - Hatboro, PA
Well I am 5 weeks post-op, and I went to see my surgeon today for my follow-up visit and my first fill.  I'm very happy with my success so far, as in the 5 weeks since surgery I have lost 25 lbs.  I also had lost 14 lbs in the 3 weeks leading up to surgery, so that brings my total up to 39 lbs lost since the beginning of August. 

My surgeon told me that he was very happy with my progress, blah blah blah.  I was looking forward to getting my first fill today, as my hunger has started increasing a little bit.  I previously had been told that the doctor normally starts out with a first fill of 3 cc's............  Turns out, my surgeon is very conservative when it comes to fills..  So even though I am 5 weeks post-op right now, I did not get a fill today.  In fact, I don't go back to see him until 5 weeks from now in the beginning of November. 

To say that I was extremely disappointed would be an understatement.  While obviously I can't force him to give me a fill, I'm just worried that my hunger will continue increasing in the meantime.  When I go back in the beginning of November, I will be 10 weeks post-op.  That seems like a ridiculous amount of time, being that most everything I read says that most people get their first fill at around the 6 week mark. 

I'm just wondering if anyone else has a surgeon who is very conservative when he comes with fills?  And if you had to wait a long time before your first fill?

(x-posted to Realize Band & Lap Band boards)
on 9/29/10 8:36 pm
 Way to go David WOW!!!!!
You have done fantastic.  I am very surprised you didn't get a fill when you went in because I did get a fill of 4cc when I went in for the first appt. (5 weeks)  but all dr's are different.  Plus, where you have done so well they probably figure you don't need one now.  I since have had another 3cc put in (7 cc total) and I still don't feel any restriction in my 11cc band so I don't know when I will feel it so I guess just keep on going with it and that 5 weeks will be here before you know it.  I am myself wondering when that full feeling will come......  It is definitely a learning curve to all this.

Well keep your chin up, and you will do just fine.
Have a great day
on 9/29/10 9:36 pm - Davison, MI
Hi David,
Congratulations on your success so far. You are doing a fantastic job!
My surgeon actually gave me a 5cc fill at my 4 week mark, clearly not as conservative as your Dr. From reading everyone's posts on this site, Pam is correct that each Dr. has their own protocols. Did you ask him why he wanted to wait? Just curious.

As far as battling hunger...plan a snack between your meals. I find that helps me so much. Beef Jerky is a good snack for me and recommended by my Dr. Its lean, low cal and full of protein. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Sugar Snap Peas...they have a great crunch, are delicious and a super low cal snack.

I had a total of 5 fills over a 7 month period totaling 9cc's in my 11cc band. I feel that I have good restriction now but there are some variables it seems. I am much tighter in the mornings, it seems the cooler temps makes me tighter (but logically this doesn't make sense to me since our bodies maintain a steady temp. Weird eh?). Some days I just feel tighter than others and can't eat much...the next day I feel like I could eat everything I see all day long.

I just try to maintain...stay the course, follow the band rules and keep moving. You are doing a GREAT job and seem determimed to be successful...keep up the good work.

My mantra:  Each day is an new opportunity to be happier, healthier and better than the day before.  I will live each day with enthusiam and be thankful for the many blessings that surround me. I will do my best to pay it forward whenever possible

Tom C.
on 9/30/10 4:18 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

Each Doctor’s philosophy concerning fills is different. Some Doctors begin fills X amount of weeks. My Doctor’s feeling is: as long as you’re losing, no need for a fill. He only time he’ll do a fill is if: you stop losing; you begin gaining; you’re eating too much.


His feeling is – you have only X amount of fills – way waste them. I had my first fill after 6 months, and another 6 months after that and haven’t had one since (which is now a year and a half).


Don’t be disappointed. If you feel you are “losing" control – call the Doctor back and DEMAND you WANT ONE!! You’re the patient; you KNOW YOU; and you’re paying for it!!

CONGRATS ON YOUR SUCCESS!! And all without a fill - see how well you're doing!!

Know we’re here to see you through these weeks.

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 10/1/10 12:26 am, edited 10/1/10 12:33 am - Climax, MI
I know what you mean.  Expectations are such a pain in the ass.  I had an appointment yesterday with bariatric surgeon.  I'd lost 10 lbs.  44 lbs total from pre-surgery weight of 302.  Doesn't seem like enough.  But it occurred to me that one of my ragdoll cats weighs 28 lbs and she's huge and heavy.  So I've lost almost TWO extremely large cats worth of fat.  I gotta keep it simple... which means going the right way.  You're going the right way too.  Glad you're here.  Keep coming back.

If you don't like your life, change the way you're living

Life is a Beach
on 10/1/10 12:03 pm
I wasn't able to get a fill approved by my insurance until 3 months out. I was hungry but not like before. I've had 2 fills now. Surgery was in Nov. 1st fill March, 2nd fill August. I do feel I am ready for another one since I am hungry between meals and about 2 hours after eating. I have lost about 2 pounds since my last fill and had hit a plateau before that fill.
 "I may not be moving fast or gracefully, but at least I'm moving!"            
(deactivated member)
on 10/3/10 5:26 pm - Hatboro, PA
Thanks for all the replies everyone.  I've been a little busy the past few days, and didn't get a chance to come back to the website until now... 

I guess I am just worried that by having to wait until 10 weeks out, I'm going to be a few weeks behind in getting to the point where I finally have good restriction.  I know that it takes several fills in order to get to that point, and I just feel like it's going to take even longer for me to get to where I have restriction. But at this point, I'm just not going to worry about it.  I just have to cope with this hunger for just a few more weeks.  November 3rd will be here before I know it.
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