
multiple fills with no change to restriction - getting worried

Mel is losing it
on 9/14/10 7:39 am - Lakeport, CA

I'm starting to get worried.  I have had 3 fills over the past 3 months, totalling 4ccs and I have had no change in my restriction.  I had about 2ccs taken out in April due to being on the tight side. Then I went back in May, June and this week to get filled back up. So now I have 2 more ccs than before my unfill and I have barely any change.

 Do I maybe have a leak or is the doctor maybe not actually getting the fluid in my port! On Monday he said some of my fluid was discolored when he pulled a little out before putting more in. 

Anyone had this experience??!!

 Grateful for your help!

Melissa 11cc Realize Band

Experienced a leak in my port, and had no restriction for over 9 months. Had leak repair surgery on 1/31/11 and am back on my journey again! :)

on 9/14/10 7:59 am - Vancouver, WA

I would be concerned about the change in color more than the no restriction altho that is odd too. You might post this on the regular lapband forum since they are so similar and you would get more input.

Mel is losing it
on 9/14/10 9:42 am - Lakeport, CA
thanks, I will do that!

Melissa 11cc Realize Band

Experienced a leak in my port, and had no restriction for over 9 months. Had leak repair surgery on 1/31/11 and am back on my journey again! :)

Pgh Steeler Fan
on 9/15/10 8:47 am - PA
I had my surgery 12-22-09. My 1st fill was scheduled in Feb. 2010. Bill, the fill guy, went in added 4cc, then withdrew it to make sure it was all there. This is when he withdrew discolored fluid from me. He then took me in to the GI lab to check for a leak. Using the contrast to light up where everything was, he again tried to place 4cc's, and needless to say it went everywhere but into the band. This is when they found my port was leaking. Had to to have port replacement in March 2010.
I would question why one wasn't done on you.
Mel is losing it
on 9/15/10 8:57 am - Lakeport, CA
oh wow! thanks so much for the info! I go back to see my doc on Friday and I will mention this to him. I hope you are doing better!

Melissa 11cc Realize Band

Experienced a leak in my port, and had no restriction for over 9 months. Had leak repair surgery on 1/31/11 and am back on my journey again! :)

on 9/15/10 10:15 am - New Freedom, PA
I just had an upper GI this morning because we suspect I have a leak. According to the radiologist, the position of my band is good but he did not see much restriction. I'm supposed to have a total of 9 cc's in my band right now so he should have seen much better restriction. He agrees I probably have a leak. I'm not sure how they determine where a leak is. I'm not scheduled to see my surgeon again until mid-October so I guess I'll find out then what the next step is.
Rich -- "One Day at a Time, One Pound at a Time"
(Start: 292.6 / surgery weight: 265.0 / current: 205.6 / goal: 175.0)
Mel is losing it
on 9/16/10 5:37 am - Lakeport, CA
thanks for sharing your experience Rich! I really hope that you everything works out well for you....good luck!

Melissa 11cc Realize Band

Experienced a leak in my port, and had no restriction for over 9 months. Had leak repair surgery on 1/31/11 and am back on my journey again! :)

on 9/15/10 11:11 am - Coker, AL
had my band in Jan 2010, only had good restriction one time,,,,,,no I'm not losing the weight that I should....................had barrion(sp) swllow today was fine i have a total of 9.5 cc n this is what i think, sometimes they hit it and some times they don't!
SUE IN COKER        
Mel is losing it
on 9/16/10 5:48 am - Lakeport, CA
you've done really great Pat! did they do a barium swallow just for standard procedures? I did really well when I was I think 9.8ccs. The thing is that according to my math, I should be at about 11.3ccs now and that means I would be slightly overfilled for my band size. So it doesn't really make sense that I would still have no restriction.......i'm hoping/praying for clarification with the doctor tomorrow!

Melissa 11cc Realize Band

Experienced a leak in my port, and had no restriction for over 9 months. Had leak repair surgery on 1/31/11 and am back on my journey again! :)

Tom C.
on 9/15/10 10:05 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

I have never experienced this - but know I am here if you need. IMHO ask the Doctor to check your band to make sure everything is ok.

Let us know what happens.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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