
To tell or not to tell?... this is the question!

Cameo S.
on 9/11/10 2:43 pm, edited 9/12/10 5:27 am
Band Veterans:
I hope to be approved and have surgery in Dec, but I'm not sure if I should "come out of the closet" you might say about my upcoming WLS or if I'd regret it as soon as I told anyone...
On the other hand, I'm afraid by not "being open" I'll feel like I'm lying all the time AND I HATE HALF TRUTHS! But I also think this embarrassing nightmare of obesity is public enough...! Advice please??!!
Tom C.
on 9/11/10 11:21 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ
This is all a personal decision. Many folks don't, because they don't want to either be "watched" or have folks become FOOD POLICE. Others (like me) shout it from the highest mountain-tops. Others combine, tell some but not everyone.

The only advice/suggestion I have is - tell at least some selected people - especially at work. GOD FORBID something should happen weeks after the operation, at least 1 person will know what operation you had - and then the medical staff can add this knowledge into their procedures. However don't be too surprised if local (work/volunteer) medical personnel don't know too much about bariatric surgery - some REAL DOCTORS are clueless.

No matter if you do/don't tell - know there will be a bunch of folks here who are here to help you in any way we can.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Cameo S.
on 9/12/10 5:12 am
I didn't mention the "watching thing", but I've totally thought about that aspect... especially after all the diets I've started and failed. 
I feel very comforted by the advice here and thank you for responding!  I love your posts and plan to listen closely to all of you!!  Thanks so much!
on 9/12/10 8:06 am - Vancouver, WA
Kinda depends on how tough and thick skinned you are. If you are very sesitive and easily hurt, don't tell many. If you are sure of your self and don't care then tell everyone. Either way someone is still gonna get on your last nerve, that's just life.
Cameo S.
on 9/12/10 2:06 pm, edited 9/12/10 2:06 pm
LOL  Good point; you are so right! 
amanda D.
on 9/28/10 1:55 pm - Stayton, OR
I am getting banded with my best friend.  I had been debating back and forth for nearly 2 years and finally it all has come to a head...that aside, the ONLY people that know, are my husband, daughter, mom and dad. (and of course my best friend lol)    I think it helps to have those close to you knowing what you are doing, so they can HELP be the support system you need.  They may not understand the desperation, or reasoning why (my husband for example hehe) but at least they are there with you every step of the way.  Everyone else in your life, if you're like me, I don't want everyone up in my business and have stuck to only those closest to me.

Good luck to you on your journey =0)

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