
Going Through a Hard time

on 9/1/10 3:56 am - Houston, TX
Hello All my WLS friends. I love to read all the comment's of success and how hard it is to keep on track on eating healthy foods. I'm totally an emotional eater and I’ve been doing just that and feeling really bad about it. My sister in law who I absolutely love was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer last summer. Well this summer it got worse she was hospitalized for a week she had fluid in one of her lungs and had cancer cells; she has a tumor on her hip that caused saver pain and had radition therapy.  She is now on two forms of chemo therapy. My husband and I are the only ones who are helping her and her 13 year old daughter plus our three sons. She is a strong person but to see her get so weak that it breaks my heart. I’ve not gain any weight but I have not lost I need to get back on track I know but I just feel I can’t.  I see my doctor on the 16th of this month and I feel because I have not lost any weight he will see me as a failure. HELP!
I'm on my way to a healthier life style.                    
on 9/1/10 6:40 am - Alexandria, VA
he wont see you as a failure; we all have cir****tances that compromise our weight loss. Dealing with end-stage cancer of a family member is certainly one of those cir****tances.

Have you had a fill? Do you think a fill might help? Or are you just snacking all the time?

I've found that going for walks helps me to both feel less hungry/eat emotionally AND it improves my mood...so maybe going for a 20min walk when you get the urge to emotionally eat...

ALSO I've found that cleaning or doing anything that gets my hands dirty--painting my nails, playing with clay, etc--makes the idea of putting food in my mouth much less appetizing.

Good luck
on 9/1/10 11:48 pm, edited 9/1/10 11:56 pm
Don't beat yourself up. We all have gotten to this point in our lives because we are emotional eaters. I don't think I ever eat because I'm really hungry...I just like to eat. I was banded in May of 09 and have been at my current weight since April. It's really been a rollercoaster ride. The summer is very difficult to stay on track...there are many parties, it's too hot to exercise, etc. We know all of the excuses. What is helping me to get back on track is reading. I tend to be a night grazer so in between something I might be watching on TV, I pick up a book I'm really interested in and read. Also, like last night, it was 11:30 pm and I just needed something so I grabbed a protein bar. I know I wasn't really hungry but I couldn't sleep and figured it was better than eating cookies or chips or something I would regret in the morning. I have 7.75 cc in my 9 cc band and I have noticed that when I'm full I get a runny nose or start sneezing. I know it sounds strange, but that's my indication. I do however think a little tweek in my band will be helpful and I'm hoping for that to happen at my appointment at the end of this month.

You're not alone in this journey...we're all here with you. Prayers to your sister-in-law and all of you.




Tom C.
on 9/2/10 10:02 pm, edited 9/3/10 12:43 am - Mount Arlington, NJ
>> I’ve not gain any weight << When was the last time you were able to utter these words, especially being an Emotional Eating going through a very EMOTIONAL time ?!?!?!?!?

Winning never means I AM CONTINUING TO LOSE. Winning means, I am living life normally - and while I may have some bad days, the good days out weighs them (no pun intended). And if I have gained some weight, I am strong enough to STOP the gain and bet back on track.

Stop and think what "naturally" thin people do. They go through ALL OF THIS.

So if you're acting like a "naturally" thin person - then YOU ARE WINNING !!

Know my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family - and I am here if you need.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 9/15/10 5:34 am - Houston, TX
Thank you all for your kind words..i needed that. I'm sorry to say my sister in law lost her battle and past away on Sept. 7th. I know in my heart that she is in a better place and i also know that she was very proud of me for taking control of my weight and living a healthier life.
I'll miss you Ann
on 9/15/10 9:57 am - New Freedom, PA
I'm sorry for your loss. We just found out my brother-in-law has lung cancer. This comes 3 years after he beat throat cancer. Incredibly, he and my sister both still smoke!!! All I can do is pray for them and remember that food is not going to change anything.
Rich -- "One Day at a Time, One Pound at a Time"
(Start: 292.6 / surgery weight: 265.0 / current: 205.6 / goal: 175.0)
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