
NEED ADVICE...help! Getting fills in two different spots!?

on 9/1/10 5:03 am - Alexandria, VA
I had my surgery in mid-April and then moved to a new state...I had 1 fill of 6cc in late May with my surgeon before moving; had no problems but have't lost much weight, either...

So today I went to see a new surgeon in my new state for followup care and he gave me .5cc fill...BUT (and here's the part I need advice/thoughts/input on) he put the needle in a TOTALLY DIFFERENT PLACE for the fill than my surgeon did for the first fill...

My surgeon filled in a spot where there is no scar; mid-ab, above the largest scar by about two inches and below the bra by about the same...New Doctor did the fill almost exactly on top of the largest scar...

I didn't realize this, of course, until after he'd put a bandaid on it and left the room and was on to the next patient...when I was allowed to sit back up and take a look.

So...did he just inject me with saline and not fill my port?! OR....can you get a fill from multiple locations!? He was really quick and didn't feel around very much for anything, just sort of felt for a split second then did the fill...he has a great reputation here so it would surprise me if he made a mistake, but...how do you explain the difference in locations?


please, any feedback/thoughts would be super appreciated...

(deactivated member)
on 9/1/10 6:43 am - Hatboro, PA
I just went today for my 1 week post-op followup visit.  My doctor explained that it's possible for the band to slightly move up or down an inch or two over time.
on 9/1/10 10:38 am - Oxford, WI
Lap Band on 07/21/10 with

Hi, I have a realize band and can feel my port, can you feel yours?  Thats the only way they can fill the band.  This seems really weird.  Good Luck, Debbie

on 9/1/10 1:05 pm - Alexandria, VA
Hi Debbie--yes, when I had my first fill they showed me where the port was and I felt it-and I can still feell that lump/hard spot in the mid ab area...same spot...this place that the new doc injected also has a hard spot, but I think that is probably scar tissue bc he injected right barely above (like a milimeter) the large incision...in any case, it isn't the spot I had my first fill and the spot of the first fill still feels like that is where the port is located...

I am SO confused...
on 9/1/10 1:07 pm - Alexandria, VA
that is interesting that it can move up/down over time! I wouldn't expect it to move 2+ inches in 3 months, though...(my last fill was 3 months ago)...

plus I can still feel what I was told was the port at my first fill in the same location--not the location the doc injected today...

...seriously confused by all of this.
on 9/1/10 11:03 pm - Shrewsbury, PA
 Actually, what happens is that the skin above it can be moved.  I believe in general the surgeon would avoid the scar itself (it's tougher skin).  So, it isn't really the port that is moving..it's the skin above the port.  I'm a nurse, and have injected a port before.  The port has a diaphragm to it, which allows the injection to be anywhere in that circle.  You kind of have to fool around with the skin above the diaphragm to feel the diaphragm.  Then, you kind of hold the skin in such a way to see it better and feel it better.  Does that clear it up?  Of course, it's possible to miss the port, but you would definitely feel that.  The ports I used before were surrounded by metal.  They might be plastic now, but if you hit it wrong, the needle won't go in.  S/he would have to be way off the mark to miss the port completely.
Whew!  Me thinks I write too much!
You already know what fails.  You also know what works.    Pick one.     
Lisa Y.
on 9/1/10 11:42 pm
Candice, I'd just give the dr office a call and express your concerns. They should be able to explain and maybe give you some peace of mind.

All my fills have been directly through my port scar. Your situation does sound a little odd.

BTW - Congrats on the weight loss! I have hit a plateau and it's driving me nuts! 

Stephanie M.
on 9/1/10 11:53 pm
Hi Candace, I was surprised after my fill to find the injection spot was well below my scar.  Mine was done under flouro, so I could see it and the PA had me lay slightly on my right side with a bolster behind my back.  When I was done, I looked at my scar and didn't see a thing.  When I got home I pulled up my shirt and looked in the mirror and the bandaid was just above my waistline about 2 inches below my port incision.  When I felt for the port lying as I did for the fill, sure enough, that is where it is most prominent!  I am still having problems 3 weeks later with discomfort in that area when I wear a certain pair of jeans that are a bit tight.
I think they do move the skin around a bit to avoid scar tissue.  The needle is very fine gauge...


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


(deactivated member)
on 9/2/10 3:51 pm
I don't know for sure, but maybe it was just the angle that the new doctor entered the port from?
Also, as I shrink the needle for fills is slowly getting closer to my port scar, but it hasn't moved as drastically as it sounds like yours did. Did the doc pull on your skin to make it taut when they inserted the needle? There could be many different explanations.
Tom C.
on 9/2/10 9:50 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ
If it was in the "general" vicinity, I wouldn't be too concerned. An inch or two either way could be normal.

However if the Doctor filled it on complete opposite sides, then YES I would worry.

Call the Doctor and ask. Heck, you're paying him good money !!
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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