
Telling on myself and commitment

on 8/29/10 11:03 pm - Climax, MI
I've been eating too much and unhealthy ever since a potluck at work Friday.  There's only one word for it and it's an ugly one:  gluttony.  Gawd I hate that character defect of mine!  Then Saturday made homemade sticky buns (what?  Like my band is going to like that?  I only had one, but the food addiction is definitely in charge and controlling the menu).  Then Sunday went grocery shopping and ah-ha... it's fall.  So that rotten Little Debbie is making Pumpkin Delights.  I think I had 4 over the course of about 2 hours. 

OK.  Now I've told on myself.  Here's my commitment.  Today I will eat like a person who wants to be healthy.  I will eat like a person who has a lap band.  I am now drinking my morning protein shake.  I will KNOW that I am in control.  I will let my Higher Power and my band reminded me that I can do this.  Old behavior is just that -- old.  Leave it in the past -- even if the past is as recent as this last weekend.

Breathe.  In and Out.  I can do this.  I'm ok.  And I forgive myself.  Thank you.

If you don't like your life, change the way you're living

on 8/30/10 2:19 am - Davison, MI
Right on! Don't think about yesterday! Today you will do just fine. You are SO right to forgive yourself....its done and over and in the past. Forward thinking is the best way go!
You can do it!!!

My mantra:  Each day is an new opportunity to be happier, healthier and better than the day before.  I will live each day with enthusiam and be thankful for the many blessings that surround me. I will do my best to pay it forward whenever possible

on 8/30/10 5:14 am - New Freedom, PA
I have to join you in 'fessing up. The last 2 weeks I've been on an absolute gluttony binge. I've gained almost 5 pounds over the last few weeks! I'm not happy about it but it's reality. I can't do anything to change the past but I'm making the same commitment to myself -- today I will eat like someone who wants to be healthy. I will stay within my nutrition plan and get my 64 ounces of water.

Now, the hard part -- forgiving myself.....

Ah well, we are not saints!

Rich -- "One Day at a Time, One Pound at a Time"
(Start: 292.6 / surgery weight: 265.0 / current: 205.6 / goal: 175.0)
on 8/31/10 11:09 am - Shrewsbury, PA
 Rich, you and I should get together sometime and have a couple bottles of water lol!  I've been negligent about the water thing, and I thing that has helped me get a little closer to the food abyss.   So, I guess I have two new short term goals.  Drink 64 ounces of water, and stop eating so fast!!
You already know what fails.  You also know what works.    Pick one.     
on 8/31/10 1:57 pm - New Freedom, PA
I'm doing much better now. Yesterday and today have been "on the beam" days -- plenty of liquids and nutrition within my guidelines. I didn't do as much damage as I thought I had -- my weight was 3-1/2 pounds less this evening than it was yesterday morning when I thought I had gained 5 pounds. Looks like it's actually less than 2 pounds -- guess gym really does help.

The bakery racks at Saubel's & Wal-Mart were what got me gorging again -- I know I've mentioned them before. I even discovered smearcase at Saubel's -- made me think of my German grandfather. I didn't know they carried it (and I'm a little sorry I know now). I will definitely have to guard against it in the future.

Here's hoping we both improve with practice -- I have to keep reminding myself these changes are not going to become permanent overnight. Progress, not perfection.

Rich -- "One Day at a Time, One Pound at a Time"
(Start: 292.6 / surgery weight: 265.0 / current: 205.6 / goal: 175.0)
Tammy G.
on 8/30/10 11:39 am - Indian Trail, NC
OK - seems likes its confession time.   I was feeling really good about things until last week.  My chocolate addiction and stress completely took over.   Literally went to the store and bought 5 pounds of chocolate.   Thankfully I didn't eat it all - I ate more than I should though.   Then gave some away and trashed the rest.  Over the weekend we helped my daughter move from Texas to South Carolina and had to make the 20 hour drive.   I ate horribly. 

I gained 3 pounds.   I really stressed about work right now and moving my daughter and completely and way to quickly defaulted to bad habits. 

I'm re-committed as well -- protein shakes for me and back on track.   

I know we can't change old habits over-night but I get so angry when I screw up.  
on 8/31/10 4:25 am - Shrewsbury, PA
 Well....seems I am not alone!  I suspected as much!  I think that today is the first day I have felt a little bit more controlled than I have in a few weeks.  I really couldn't tell you why.  But, I think when you are able to chuck/give away the goodies, it's a start.  Heck the three pounds will drift off.  Part of that's probably water anyway.  I'm finding for myself that weighing in daily (contrary to what you usually hear) helps keep me on track.  I actually read a study that supported this (I'm a research nurse, so I read stuff like that!)  For me, if I start to allow myself to get away from that scale, I slip into that "food trance" place.  Good luck!  I'm feeling your pain!
You already know what fails.  You also know what works.    Pick one.     
on 8/31/10 10:14 am - Climax, MI
OMG -- "food trance" -- I love it!  I was thinking the other day about the condition that overtakes me when I know I shouldn't eat something but I do anyway, the word wasn't quite denial -- because I know what I'm doing and do it anyway -- food trance is the perfect phrase for the condition. 

Tonight, my son and I went to a Chinese buffet restaurant.  He said "Isn't it a waste for you to go to a Chinese Buffet?"  I think that's a funny question when you're on this side of WLS.  We have some imaginary $ / lb of food idea or what getting your monies worth is.  What I like is the variety:  2 Chinese green beans, one teriyaki chicken stick, one crab rangoon, one of this or that.  It gave me a good chance to spend time with my son and practice my new found skill of taking tiny bites, chewing completely and putting my fork down between bites.  I explained to him too that it's hard work to eat differently.  Gulping food is my knee jerk reaction to having a plate of food, my new rule is take a tiny bite, chew and swallow and don't take another bite until I've burped.  Gross... but it works.

If you don't like your life, change the way you're living

on 8/31/10 11:05 am - Shrewsbury, PA
 Yeah, isn't food trance the perfect description?  Truth is I borrowed it from a book I read about losing weight.  Really good book, I  thought.  Called Shrink Yourself.  That food trance thing is totally what I am fighting most of the time!  We have the same knee jerk thing when it comes to gulping food...that is one of my persistent problems.  Ok ok I guess I have to make it a goal to fix that one.  Hilarious about the burp!
You already know what fails.  You also know what works.    Pick one.     
on 8/31/10 9:59 am - So. Orange County, CA
  That is so cool that you posted this.  I am sure we are all guilty of this - me too, me too!  Just jump back on... we are going to fall some times.  Let's just not make it too often. 

                                 [Start:250; SW
:243; CW:218; GW:150]
       ~ Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying!          


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