
Can you ever feel the band when you move?

on 8/29/10 5:09 am - Alexandria, VA
It has been a little over 4 months since I had my band placed and sometimes when I roll over from my side to my stomach I can feel the band--like I rolled "on top" of it and it got pushed to the side...does this make sense?

I can feel it when I bend over if I'm sitting on my bed or floor, too...

Does anyone else ever feel their band? Is this normal? I've moved out of state since surgey and it will be MONTHS before I can get in with a new surgeon for a checkup...I'm just curious if anyone else experiences this...

on 8/29/10 6:14 am
I have the same sensation when I bend over or if I'm sitting on the floor, but it's my port I'm feeling.  Since I've lost weight the port is now closer to the outside of my stomach and I can feel it when I push on it, too.  It's on my left side under my ribs.  Could this be what you are feeling?
BTW:  I didn't know that you had moved.  How are things?  Moves can be stressful. 
Hope all is well with you.
Take care,
on 8/29/10 8:10 am - Alexandria, VA
HEATHER!! :) How are you?? I can't believe you've dropped 92lbs! HOLY COW! :) I've dropped 30lbs since surgery; 45 total this year...LOL!

What I'm feeling is, I think, the band and all the way to the port. It is STRANGE! I feel it right under my ribs, so I know it isn't the port bc I can feel that if I touch my stomach right above my belly button...so I think it is the hose between the two? I am so glad someone else experiences this. When I roll over I have to get back up and lay myself down flat on my stomach bc of the way whatever it is in my stomach feels like it is being pushed to the side...like a third breast, but on the inside! HA!

yeah, we just moved to Kentucky last month...so I have to wait to get in with a new primary doc ( a month wait!) and then get in with a new surgeon who will take a patient that has already had surgery and isn't looking for surgery...which is harder to come by than it should be. :(

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