
Any way to help swelling go down after a FILL?

Christine D.
on 8/27/10 8:38 am - CA
I just had a fill on Tuesday - I now "hurt" whenever I swallow .  It hurts through to my back. I am assuming it is my body adjusting to the fill....and the swelling due to the fill.  I have never felt this way in previous fills - I definately am feeling the restriction with this fill (2 cc's - for a total of 7 cc's- I think)  I am on pureed foods today - but liquids are the only things right now that stay down.  I have some liquid tylenol - maybe that would help. I also have a glass of wine that might help!  Just curious it this is "normal."  I am not in enough pain to go to DR but am just uncomfortable and wondering how long it will last..
Tom C.
on 8/27/10 8:05 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ
No secret way of helping the swelling go down - except time.

You may be overfilled. My advice, call your Doctor. IMHO it's always best to hear "that's very normal" then "why didn't you call us when this firt happened?"
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Christine D.
on 8/28/10 1:08 am - CA
Thanks - feeling much better today....maybe it just takes time!  This is such a "learning situation!"
on 8/29/10 11:09 pm - Climax, MI
I does take time.  After a 2 cc fill on July 1st, my doctor predicted I'd be back the next day to have some removed, but I'm stubborn.  I toughed it out and after about 4 days I was able to eat comfortably.  Those "aggressive" fills will get your attention and sometimes that's not easy to do for me.  I didn't get a fill last visit and I'm wondering if I needed one.  I've been out of control with some looseness in my restrictions.  Give me an inch and I'll take a mile.

Glad you're feeling better.  I posted after a fill that I felt like going to just liquids, but when I got really honest, I had to admit that I was taking too big of bites and I wasn't waiting a full minute or two between bites.  Getting used to cold food has been very difficult for me.  I want to wolf it down while it's hot.  That's a hard habit to break for me.

Also, you've probably already figured out that if you spit out the foamies, you can get back to feeling comfortable more quickly.  My gross tip of the day :-}

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