
First fill a breeze

on 8/26/10 8:11 am
Hello all ~

I am so glad that I have been watching what you all have posted as far as how the fills go because I wasn't nervous at all and I got 4cc in my 10 band today and feel just fine.
The best news is that I have lost 27 LBS since my surgery on the 19th of July but overall since last year when I started all the meetings 43 LBS.  I am so excited and have received alot of nice comments.  I hope that my success continues so I can finally feel & look thin.
I am heading up to Maine for a long weekend so hopefully with the weather being beautiful I can walk the beach.  I just love it!!!!!!
Talk to you all soon

By the way, I am so proud of all of you on your success with the band.  I just love coming on this site for some inspiration.
I keep telling myself I can do this too!!!!
Tom C.
on 8/26/10 6:34 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

YOU GO!! WHAT A LOSER, and an INSPIRATION !! So happy to read about your success. You are a boost in the arm.

Enjoy your weekend!! YOU DESERVE IT !!

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 8/29/10 8:10 am
Thank you so much Tom

I am back from the long weekend  that I had at the beach in Maine and now back to reality.
I walked so much at the beach that I actually had leg cramps during the night, 1 night.
I really felt so good though doing it and if we got hot we just went in the ocean for a dip.
Thank you for all your support.
Stephanie M.
on 8/27/10 12:52 am
Great results! 


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


on 8/29/10 8:15 am
Thanks so much Steph ~

I am back from the long weekend I had at the beach with so much tempting food.  It was so hard to control myself but I DID IT!!!!! However I didn't track a thing since being gone so I need to get back to it.  I have noticed that your weight is really going down.  Keep up the great work!!!!!
Stephanie M.
on 8/29/10 11:57 am
Thanks Pam, I am losing slowly but surely...it feels great!  My pants are falling off...I have a pair that fit, but since my fill it hurts to wear them.  They are Levi's 550s and a little snug around the waist.  I plan to wait a couple of weeks and try again.  My highest weight was 290 in 2008 so I am down 50lb from that...


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


on 8/29/10 8:21 pm
Way to go ~   It does feel great to have the clothes getting looser for sure!!!!!

I am debating whether or not to go get all new uniforms for work, or wait a little longer....myself
I guess once I start walking ot tripping on my pants it will be time LOL!!!!!! I am just about there.

You will be in those pants shortly, keep on truckin

Take care
on 8/29/10 12:26 am
AWESOME!  Way to go!  Congrats on the weight loss.  Glad to hear that you had no issues with the fill.  I am going to be having my first fill very soon.  I've been lucky and haven't needed one so far, but I feel like I need one now.  Thanks for the encouraging words.  That's what we're all here for, to help each other out.
Have a great vacation!
on 8/29/10 8:32 am
Thank you Heather~
You certainly are an inspiration to many of us.
When I went for my first fill I didn't think I needed one either but the PA was all set to do one and he had asked me how I was doing  with my diet because the weight loss was so good and he was impressed, so he just said do you think you are ready for a fill and I said sure and we did it but I think if he really did leave it up to me to have one or not I am not sure if I would have said yes.  I just thought I should go along with him where he knows best.  I never felt any restriction at all but I never pushed more than the 3 oz I am suppose to have for my meals or the snacks , and I still don't even with the 4 cc he put in and he told me that some never do feel it.  I could honestly say that I could feel the band tighten when he did the injection but absolutely NO pain.
Good luck with yours
Keep up the great work.......
on 8/31/10 9:53 am - So. Orange County, CA
Wow, you are doing awesome! 

                                 [Start:250; SW
:243; CW:218; GW:150]
       ~ Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying!          


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