
Getting banded in the mornin'

on 8/22/10 3:09 pm - Plano, TX
I'm npo now, after my week of liquids, praying all goes well and I can be home with my kids tomorrow night. 
on 8/22/10 11:39 pm - Climax, MI
Not sure what "npo" is... but my hopes, prayers and faith are with you.  Welcome to the journey -- it's going to be life changing.

If you don't like your life, change the way you're living

Stephanie M.
on 8/23/10 12:18 am
NPO is nothing by mouth...so IV fluids only.


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


Stephanie M.
on 8/23/10 12:20 am
Why are you NPO??  They had me drinking water and chewing ice as soon as I woke up...sounds like they are keeping you overnight too???  Good luck, hope you are home soon!!


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


on 8/23/10 1:35 am - New Freedom, PA
Let us know how the surgery goes when you get home. I'm sure everything will be fine. We'll be here for you. We'll clear off a space on the Loser's Bench.

Best of luck on your journey.

Rich -- "One Day at a Time, One Pound at a Time"
(Start: 292.6 / surgery weight: 265.0 / current: 205.6 / goal: 175.0)
on 8/23/10 8:09 am
REALIZE Band on 08/09/10 with
Good luck on your surgery tomorrow. I was NPO after Midnight the night before my surgery and was allowed liquids only the day before until midnight. I had to drink milk of magnesia at noon the day before! it was no fun but I made it and you will too! I had surgery at 9am and was home by 3pm and only because it took me a while to wake up enough to go home. I was very pleased with my care at the hospital and recovered in my opinion very quickly and easy! I hope you do too!

Be Blessed!
on 8/23/10 10:40 am - Plano, TX
Everything went well! I did try to pop out of bed as soon as I came out from the anaesthesia- lol, which is what I do every time I am startled awake with 2 little ones and 2 mischevious border collies- but the nurses were able to hold me down until I came to my senses.  I'm back at home, trying to walk around a wee bit, and my hubsters is making sure I follow the doctor's directions.

The pain- has been around a 4 or less. I had a few minutes where I felt nauseous- but they gave me a med for that.  I am wearing my 'bella band' that I had from my last pregnancy that makes me feel less jiggly- it is very light compression. (hope this isn't tmi) but I was going to wear like the squeem underwear, but seems like with the painkillers I could fall over and hurt myself wrestling those on and off.  

So that's it, I better get back in bed or my handler will hassle me. Thanks for the prayers, you all have a fantastic day!
Tom C.
on 8/23/10 7:19 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ
Welcome to "THIS SIDE", and officially being on the Loser's Bench in our Winner's Circle!! Now the fun really begins. Remember there will be up and down, but that's all normal.

Make sure you follow Doctor's orders, especially so early out. Move around; do breathing exercises, and RELAX!!

CONGRATS AGAIN my banded sibling !!

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Stephanie M.
on 8/23/10 1:29 pm
Glad you are home and doing well!   Welcome to the loser's bench!


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


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