
Sweet Spot?

on 8/16/10 11:01 am - Sheridan, IL
I have had 3 fills since surgery in March. My band is filled to 8.4cc. Doctor said that was pretty tight. I threw up for the first time on Sunday. I had a piece of chicken and I think I didn't chew it very well. I am not use to the band being this tight. It is a good thing though! Does it sound like I have hit my Sweet Spot? I have noticed that I have to chew things really well now or it will get stuck.

on 8/16/10 11:36 pm - Coker, AL
Laura,  I would say that you are there...............had my WLS in Jan and just got there last of July, this is the first restriction I've had since right after sugery. That was my 5th fill for a total of 9cc in my 11cc band..................and I'm down 8 pounds
SUE IN COKER        
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