
one year out and finally have restriction!

on 8/8/10 3:17 am
I really did not know if I would EVER get restriction, but I have.  I am losing, slowly, but losing.  I am losing inches more than pounds.  I have gone from an 18 to 14/16 in pants size but only dropped about 30 lbs in the past 18 months.  and that is okay.  i am just so grateful, relieved to FINALLY be at this place.  I am still getting my head wrapped around all of this.  STILL learning to eat SLOWER and chew MUCH MORE.  I was very frustrated with my dr or awhile because he was so cautious (no more than .5 cc at a time) but in some ways I am grateful too that it has taken so long as I have had to work hard to change my mentality about some of this.  And one thing I know for sure today is that the band is ONLY a tool and nothing more.  But for someone who has been a volume eater for many years, it is a great tool!  and most of the time I eat very healthy, but I am eating more ice cream than I should (and I never even liked ice cream before!)  I think it is only because it is cool and goes down so easily and sometimes I get so tired of working so hard to eat.  nonetheless it does work.  yes and thank you, Dyanna 
on 8/8/10 4:20 am
I had my surgery on May 3, 2010. I got the Realize Band. My husband had surgery on April 19, and he got the Lap Band. I'm having the same problems you did about having restriction. After two fills (4cc, 2cc) I have no restrictions. My husband had restrictions after the first fill (3 cc) and then had another fill (2 cc). He has a lot of restrictions and of course is losing weight much faster than I am. This is something we decided to do together and it is good, but I'm frustrated because I don't have any restrictions which I know would be helpful to me in losing weight. I have lost 26 pouds up to last week when I went in for my last fill. The doctor did ask me if I wanted another cc but he strongly suggested that I not have it so I went along with his suggestion. Maybe he does know better but I wish now that I had taken it. I go back on September 20th for another fill. I realize that the band is only a tool, but right now I feel that I'm doing all the work and I could have done this without surgery (if I had the will power). I haven't had any sweets except fruit, and nothing like ice cream. Chips was my downfall and have not had anything like that either. We have a whole list of things not allowed in our house, which helps greatly. I too feel like I have to work so much harder than my husband and wish I had the same restrictions that he has.  I would like to become friends with you but I'm new on here and I'm not even sure I replying to you. Maybe you can help me with the site. For instance my BMI is listed as 26 (if only). My real BMI is 48.8 I think. Anyway thanks for listening.
on 8/9/10 7:30 am - New Freedom, PA
Thanks for your post, Dyanna. I've been feeling really frustrated because I still don't feel any restriction. It's only been 5 1/2 months since my surgery but I expected to be feeling restriction by now. I've lost weight but feel like I've been doing almost all the work myself. I see my surgeon on Thursday and will hopefully be getting another fill. Reading your post makes me realize that I need to be patient and keep following the "rules" to the best of my ability.

The band and the restriction provided by the band are just one piece of the lifestyle change we all need to make. I'm eating much healthier, more slowly and in smaller quantities. I'm also exercising at the gym 3 times a week. You're right about it taking time to change our thinking about food but that's probably the most important part.
Rich -- "One Day at a Time, One Pound at a Time"
(Start: 292.6 / surgery weight: 265.0 / current: 205.6 / goal: 175.0)
on 8/17/10 8:56 am
You have done great without restriction. I hope I can do that well. I know it takes a lot of work and being consistent in sticking with the rules. Too bad I didn't "stick to the rules" before I had surgery, I probably wouldn't have had to go through that. I just wanted to congratulate you and doing such a great job.
on 8/21/10 3:51 am, edited 8/21/10 3:51 am - New Freedom, PA
Thanks Betty. Even without good restriction I keep myself accountable by logging everything I eat and drink online. Pre-band I used to think I didn't really eat that much; I mean, I usually only had one serving of things. Now that I'm using salad plates instead of dinner plates and watching portion sizes I'm amazed at how little food I actually need every day. My idea of a serving has really changed.

Even though it may feel like we're "dieting" when we don't have good restriction we need to remember that the band itself is a relatively small part of what we're trying to accomplish here. We're trying to change what, for many of us, have been the habits and thought patterns of a lifetime. This really is a lifestyle change and that means many things are being altered and that takes time.

It IS a lot of work and it will not always be a smooth path. I need to remember that I will be making all those changes "one day at a time; one pound at a time" -- that's why it's part of my signature.

Rich -- "One Day at a Time, One Pound at a Time"
(Start: 292.6 / surgery weight: 265.0 / current: 205.6 / goal: 175.0)
on 8/21/10 10:30 am
You're right Rich. My husband and I have been at this for a year now. Insurance required us to go to a dietian for 7 months before surgery. Our choices and sizes has changes dramatically. It's nice to see the reaction be get from our grown kids when they come visit and we tell them that we don't allow pop in the house, etc. Thanksgiving and Christmas may be a little different this year. I think that I will still make fudge and peanut brittle  . . . for others, but it will be made and delivered the same day. I hope that I can continue and have the success that you have had, and I really like your slogan.
on 8/16/10 3:48 pm - Athens, GA
I am over 9 mos. out and have had 7 fills and still no restriction. Very frustrating! I knew of course that it varied from individual to individual..........but I never would have thought I would b almost a  yr. out with no restriction!!!

Actually some ppl never do reach a good restriction. They are either too loose or too tight. I will give this a yr. If it's not working by then.............TIME TO REVISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




on 8/17/10 8:48 am
I'm not sure if I replied to you or Robin . . . see what I mean about not knowing what I'm doing on this site. I hope you got my last reply.

I'm sooooo sorry for your frustration, I sure hope it won't last that long for me. I think I saw that you had the lap band. My husband had the lap band two weeks before I did and he is doing great. He has only had 5 cc so far and has a lot of restriction. I had the realize band and have had 6 cc. My band takes up to 15 cc. I guess it does go to show that everyone is different. I have a lot of support from my husband and we of course help each other by not allowing our "bad" foods in the house. For some reason it makes me feel really good to say I haven't had any ice cream or soda since the band. I hope I can continue that but I feel like I'm getting weaker. When do you go back to your doctor? How many cc's have you had so far and how much does your band hold? This is really getting scarey . . . going through that surgery was not easy for me, and it wasn't an easy decision. I'm not sure what I would do if I am put in your position. Good luck and I will keep you in my prayers. Too bad we live so far away. I live in Illinois. My sister does live in Georgia, She lives in Carrollton. Is that close to you.
Think of you and wishing you well, keep going and trying to lose weight even if you don't have restriction.
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