

on 8/4/10 6:21 am
Happy Wednesday.  I have a few questions, resulting from a strange vomiting/swelling episode.  I am away on vacation, so I can't get to the dr. very easily, which is why I am relying on all you experts!!!

1.  I tried to eat a scrambled egg this morning.  It was somewhat dry and got stuck.  I have eaten eggs for four months now with no problems.  However, my hubby and I had a few beverages last night.  I was not hungover in the slightest, but is it possible that I was dehydrated and that tightened the band?

2.  The "stuck" resulted in my vomiting.   I would say that I "chose" to vomit; it wasn't spontaneous but CERTAINLY had to happen.  I then drank water , tried to eat some of the egg(stupid, I now know, but this was my first bad experience, so i didn't know better), and vomited again. This second time was a pretty intense and totally spontaneous vomiting esisode.  After that, I couldn't even get fluids  down for a while.  Was this a result of swelling??

3.  I called my dr., who said that I should do fluids for 48 hours; he think that I am swollen from vomiting.  I am able to do about a half ounce of fluid every few minutes, and this has improved drastically throughout the day.  I have frequent pb's, which lead to relief, and lots of gurgline, but the fluid eventually goes down.  Is there anything I can do to alleviate the swelling (I hope this is just swelling.)?  And, I don't think this is a slip, but could I be wrong???

This whole event has made me panic.  Please tell me this stuff happens and that I shouldn't yet panic!!!  Well, tell me the truth, but I hope that is the truth!  Thank you in advance for any help.  Have a good day!
on 8/4/10 9:35 pm - Davison, MI
Not that I am an expert by any means..but I would have to say that I agree with your Dr. that you are swollen.
I have had a couple of issues like this myself.  I think my issues have been from eating to fast or not chewing enough.  Eggs are weird for me...sometimes I can eat them...other times NO Way.  I find that Egg Beaters are usually a better choice for me as they go down easier (Why, I have no idea).
Just take it easy and you should be feeling better.
Enjoy your vacation!!

My mantra:  Each day is an new opportunity to be happier, healthier and better than the day before.  I will live each day with enthusiam and be thankful for the many blessings that surround me. I will do my best to pay it forward whenever possible

Tom C.
on 8/5/10 6:06 am - Mount Arlington, NJ
I too am not a Doctor, nor do I play one on television, but I agree with your Doctor. Let us know how you're doing.

FYI - this may sound like a strange question, but your vacation spot - is it in a elevation different than "home". Believe it or not, a drastic elevation change can affect the band. Remember your band is "encased in your stomach fluids" and outside "air" pressure can affect your tightness. I have know people who fly have problems because the air-pressure is tighter. Just a possibility.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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