
Watching everything!

on 7/26/10 5:33 am
I just had my band on July 7th, lost 13lbs on the previous 2wks on Medifast liquid.

To date have lost 24.2lbs., but, I'm really watching and weighing everything I put into my mouth.  I can be on solid foods, but, I'm afraid if I eat something too high in calories or carbs, I'll gain the weight back.  Haven't had a fill yet, but, I don't know if I'll need one, since I think I'm doing just fine without one.  Is a fill mandatory or my choice?

I refuse to even gain 1lb back after all this!
on 7/26/10 6:09 am
Hi and congratulations on your surgery.  On August 4th I will be 5 months post-op and I have not yet had a fill.  I have lost over 80 pounds so far.  My doctor won't give me a fill because he says I don't need one as long as I'm currently losing.  I am the same way in that I watch everything that goes into my mouth.  I chart and write down everything everyday.  I have been extremely lucky thus far and have not hit any plateaus.  I hope to lose another 50 - 60 pounds.  I walk 6 days a week, usually between 3.5 - 5.5 miles each day.  I really think this has helped me to be so successful.
You sound like you are doing great.  Keep up the good work!
Best of luck,
on 7/26/10 9:32 am
 Wow, that is great, Heather!! You lost alot of weight in only 5 months.  I am getting my surgery on July 30th this Friday(so scared) but I hope that I do as well as you have in your weightloss. What kind of protein shakes did you drink? If you have any tips on what you have done to be successful, I'd appreciate it!!!!   
on 7/26/10 12:30 pm
Unjury Chocolate is one of my fav. protein shakes.  I make mine with milk no****er.  Also, Syntax Nectar has a great cappuccino and chocolate truffle mix, and again, I mix with skim milk, no****er.  (Go on their websites to get samples to try before committing to a brand/flavor.) 
The two things I'd recommend are to walk ASAP.  Walk to the mailbox, down the hall, as far and as often as you can.  That has really helped me.  Now, I walk 6 days a week and go anywhere from 3.5 - 5.5 miles daily.  Also, sip on water all day long.  Get your 8 cups in.  And follow the docs and nutritionist's directions to a tee.  Don't cheat.  You can cheat later on when you are farther down the road.  You need a good foundation to get yourself started losing.  And remember, YOU CAN DO IT! 
Best of luck and let us know how the surgery goes.  The first week was the hardest for me.  I had a lot of regrets immediately following the surgery.  But now I am so glad I did this.  Now, I can expect a long life with my hubby and kids.
Welcome to the "LOSERS" bench,
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