
Delicious Recipe

Lisa Y.
on 7/25/10 10:13 am
I like to "whip" things together fairly often to see what I can come up with....here's tonight's invention. Delicious!!!

This is a little involved, so I made enough to last me a couple days....

Fish Quesadillas
You can use whatever fish you like, I used scallops and tilapia
Season the following to your liking. I love garlic, so I went heavy on it.
Pan sear fish in a little margarine, garlic (fresh or powdered), salt, parsley, lemon juice
Sautee sliced mushrooms - season with salt and peper

Spray a non-stick pan with Pam, over medium-high heat, place Low Carb Wheat tortilla  http://www.latortillafactory.com/products-3.aspx in pan add low-fat or fat-free taco cheese (I like low-fat it melts better), fish and mushrooms. Fold tortilla over, brown on each side.


on 7/25/10 11:58 am - New Freedom, PA
Sounds good -- I'll have to try it. I love quesadillas and I love those La Tortilla Factory tortillas. Low calorie and high fiber -- awesome! I use them any time I need tortillas.

Rich -- "One Day at a Time, One Pound at a Time"
(Start: 292.6 / surgery weight: 265.0 / current: 205.6 / goal: 175.0)
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