
1st real problems post surgery (?what) & a NSV

(deactivated member)
on 7/15/10 2:47 am

I am cross posting this since no one has said yes, I had that experience on the lapband board or it could be . . . a slipped band?

I have done really well with my lapband.  I use the sparkpeople.com site a lot to track my food & such, so I haven't really been on here a lot.   Occasionally, I do something stupid like forget and eat too big of a bite and get something hung.  A bit of pbing and I am on my way.

Sunday night, all is different . . . I mean really, really different.  I eat one of my meatloaf muffins and I am not paying as close attention as I should.  I get a bite hung and the pbing went on for an hour.  I go to liquids for the next day.  By supper, I am hungry and assume all is resolved.  I decide to experment and try some Chinese stir fry.  The meal ends with pbing.  The next day, I do liquids during the day, try to reheat some of the stir fry and bingo . . . pbing.  Thursday evening, even watermelon causes pbing and I finally realize I seem to have a lot of gas which prevents things from going anywhere.  A bite or two and bingo, I am burping.   A lot of gas and if I didn't know better--I would swear my hiatal hernia was back.  I feel like I have that "you have been stabbed in the back" feeling again.  I go out last night (1 am) and buy Gas X strips because I can't hold the little pills down.  The Gas X strips in double dose just don't feel like they are working!  Today drinking warm green tea leads to burping.

I called my bs' office.  (bs=bariatric surgeon)  They suggested I try Maalox or Mylanta and check back.  Is it possible I have managed to slip my band?  Any suggestions?

Oh, I absolutely look and feel like crap today.  One of the nurse managers that I work with walked up to me and wondered what I had done to look so good . . . she said, you obviously have lost weight, but you are walking so much better and you seem to glow from the inside.  I was wondering what or if you found a man.  LOL!  I explained with the warm weather I was doing 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours every evening in my swimming pool and strengthening all the support muscles for my bone on bone hip and knee.  I also told her about the lapband.

Tom C.
on 7/15/10 6:48 am - Mount Arlington, NJ
Congrats on your NSV. Too me these are more important that those scale numbers.

Now back to your issue - could it be a band slippage - it could be. I doubt it, but it's possible. Not knowing how long ago you had the band, and how your Doctor did it, I can't be 100% sure.

IMHO (and remember I am not a Doctor, but did play one on tv ... or I played Doctor once in-front of the tv) I think it's a very bad stuck issue with a lot of inflammation. Also, a piece of "whatever" can really stuck in there, and allows "liquids" threw but nothing "solid".

One thing you may want to do, go and see if you can take a chewable Papya enzyme and try that. So folks swear that Papya enzyme (or a little meat tenderizer with warm water) helps with "stuck" episodes by breaking down the stuck meat (or protein). Be careful with the meat tenderizer - while doing it once in a while would be ok - don't forget your esophagus is "meat")

Hope this helps, and PLEASE let us know how it goes. I would love to know what it was. Not only am I noisy, but it could help the next person :D

GOOD LUCK !! Know we're here for you any time.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
(deactivated member)
on 7/15/10 10:03 am, edited 7/15/10 10:04 am
 Thank you.  I appreciate your sharing.  As a nurse, I promise not to consider you anything as volatile as a doctor.  (LOL!  I do like my bs and my os--bariatric surgeon and orthopedic surgeon.)  His nurse had said she thought it was a bit early for a slip since I was banded on 4/26/10.  I probably did really irritate it all.  The thing that frightened me the most was feeling like the repair hiatal hernia was back

I need to go to GNC tomorrow night and purchase liquid Omega 3 (fish and flax seed types) to get my omega 3's in to please myself & the eye doctor.  I will see if they still have Papya Enzyme tablets or chews or whatever it was.  I know their chewable Omega 3's will not give a high enough dose to get me up to 2000 units.  Sadly I broke out in hives with krill oil tablets.
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