
Feeling bumbed out?????

on 7/12/10 9:26 am

Did anyone ever feel mad at yourself or down just before surgery? This morning I got out of bed without sleeping at all last night, and I was exhausted, to go through the day at work and be really bumbed out!
I am feeling like a FAILURE I guess in a way, that I couldn't take care of this extra weight without going through surgery.  A week from today I go in for the surgery and I am hoping that this feeling will change and it will all be worth it.  Maybe it is all because I haven't slept I am feeling this way... I am hoping anyway!!!!!!    Please let me know if anyone of you felt this way

on 7/12/10 10:19 am
I felt the same way.I thought,wow I really am a looser!But,i went ahead with the surgery.And now,I'm a real looser...and happy!The surgery is working!I feel better about myself than I have in years!You just stop being hard on yourself!You made the right choice..now..stick with it.Don't be mad at yourself.Just thank God you doing something to help yourself.You can do this!SO,you'll be a real looser also.Good luck to you.God Bless you..Ruth
on 7/12/10 10:43 am
Thank you Ruth for your support.  I guess that maybe I am being hard on myself AGAIN!!!!
I have been trying to stay so positive about it all since the very beginning of Sept,  but I don't know what happened today .  I was a basket of tears off and on all day. I am counting down the days
Tom C.
on 7/12/10 7:17 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

Whenever someone feels this way, I try to remind them that this is just a "medical tool" that will "help" in losing weight.

A medical tool like a pacemaker is for a person who has a heart condition. A hearing aid, crutch, glasses, etc. All these devices only HELP a person. Not because they are weak, or couldn’t do it on their own, but because the situation is beyond their control.

Remember, you will still need to change your eating style. You will need to make sensible choices. The band is around your stomach but not head - so it will take incredible strength to remain diligent. Everyday is a battle (no matter what surgery you choose), and it takes more than a device to win the daily wars :D !!


Good luck, and know you’re in very good company .. and .. we’re here for you !!


Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 7/12/10 8:32 pm
Thank you for your post.  In just a short time that I have been on this site you have been great support for so many people, Including myself and I greatly appreciate it. You know exactly what to say.
Obviously you have learned exactly what to do.  I have looked at your before and after pics and you are motivating.  What a great job you have done.
Keep up the great work
on 7/12/10 10:14 pm
That is great advice!  I like the way you put that.  I understand it will be a tool to use and that is my plan.  Today is my final weigh in before surgery, so wish me luck!  I'm scheduled for surgery a week from today, July 20th.  My issue is my support person has done a 360 on me and is questioning my surgery.  So now what??  Any thoughts?
Tom C.
on 7/12/10 11:26 pm, edited 7/12/10 11:32 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ


I am wishing you luck.


As for the person who is now questioning you decision … I hate to be blunt … but WHY DO YOU CARE ?!?!??!


No matter how close that person is (loved one or not) that person IS NOT YOU. They don’t LIVE YOUR LIFE. They don’t wake up every day in YOUR SKIN, and go through YOUR TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS!! So who are they to question?


What you could do, is ask the person “if I had a heart condition, and a pacemaker was suggested to help me live longer and healthier, would you question that decision?" And explain to them that You ONLY KNOW YOU, and you know WHAT YOUR WENT THROUGH to get to this point.


Despite what others think, this is not an easy decision. Who would want to willing go “under the knife", and risk death (because there is that slight chance) if they didn’t think the operation would help them. Again, does anyone go to a Doctor and just say “I think I want to have a new kidney put in just because I want it"? No!!! There are reasons why we make these DRASTIC MEDICAL DECISIONS!!


Explain to the person, while you appreciate and understand their concern – and love them for this, this decision is A SELFISH decision because YOU ARE DOING IT FOR YOU and even if the person doesn’t agree – it’s not going to stop you. Of course, you may be doing it for ANOTHER person (child, spouse, family) or reason (health, want to go out more, like to swim in a two piece, be the hot mama/daddy at the end of the bar) but ultimately it’s FOR YOU !!


OK, I see I had too much coffee today (funny, it’s been all decafe – would hate to see if I was on regular).

Always remember that is you (or anyone else reading this or any people you know) need support, send me a PM and I will send you my contact info. No one cal really understand unless they have gone through it.

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Stephanie M.
on 7/13/10 12:51 am
What you are feeling is very normal.  I second-guessed myself for about a week before surgery.  I have had a lot of surgery, but none that were "elective" before.  This one was different because I was going to put myself through an "ordeal" and submit to a painful process.  45 days later I can tell you that I already feel the benefit of my band.  I have lost a total of 28 lbs since May 14th (43 lbs down from my highest weight) and feel so much better.  My band doesn't control me, I control what goes into my mouth and the band keeps me full for 3, 4 and even 5 hours after meals.  I spent the week before surgery reading all the forums, and was reassured that I was making the best choice for me.
The reason we cannot lose weight on our own successfully (maintain) is that we do not feel full on smaller amounts of food and our body fat is creating hormonal signals to make us eat more than we should.  The band helps with that in keeping us full after meals allowing us to lose body fat and end the vicious spiral of weight gain and obesity.
OH has been a great help during this process...I love the support and encouragement that comes from people who have been where we are and "get it".  Naturally thin people (like my DH) don't understand and while they can be supportive, cannot truly empathise with us.
Good luck on your surgery...we are all here to cheer you on!


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


on 7/13/10 8:25 am

Way to go... You go girl!!!  I am so excited for you. WOW!!! Thank you for making me feel normal.  Today I felt much better but I am craving everything that I know I can't have for a while. 
You are right I am so glad I joined this support group because there are so many people that we come in contact with on a daily basis that don't understand what we are going through, and this group has been so supportive, and understanding.
Keep up the great work.    Keep me (us) all posted on your progress!!!!!
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