
July 6th surgery and I want some food!

on 7/10/10 7:20 am
Okay so I had my surgery this Tuesday and I'm not really hungry but I sure want some food.  We went out today to get my son's glasses fixed and passed every fastfood joint I want to visit.  Then my husband bought chips, cheese fries and a cheesesteak.  How mean is that!  I know I'm the only one in the family that had the surgery so they don't have to totally change for me but I sure want some of those fries.  Instead I had a jello and a popsicle and left the room.  I can see now that this is going to be a tough road, no matter how bad I want it.  I think I might still want the food more right now.  What am I going to do?  It's only been what, four days and I'm already faltering....
on 7/10/10 7:41 am
I had surgery on July 7th and I too want to eat some real food.  Its not that I'm hungary but its the thought of not beng able to have it.  Additionally, my port stings everytime I move.  Are you feeling any discomfort in that area or any other pain?
on 7/10/10 7:53 am
I can't feel my port, I just still feel really bloated.  My incisions are still very uncomfortable.  I also had a significant hiatal hernia that had to be repaired so my recovery may go a little slower.  The last thing I wanted my surgeon to tell me was that my transition to solids would probably be over a least 8 weeks due to the hernia.  I can't wait to go back to the doctor to be advanced to yogurt.  I really don't like jello and I'm already sick of  noodle less soup.  We can do this.  We can do this.  I'm just trying to take my mind off it and watch a movie and write and view old post.  Soon it will be bed time and tomorrow will be a new day.  I think being home with nothing else to focus on is going to make this tough especially since I have a husband and 2 children that still need to eat and can still have some of the sweets.

I do still have pain  when taking a deep breadth.
on 7/10/10 8:12 am
Wow, I had a hernia too. I 'm having pains when taking deep breaths as well. So it sounds like we arehaving a similar experience.   I know that we are going to be fine but this is much harder than I originally thought.  I started full liquids today and was really glad to get some yogurt and cream of chicken soup. However, a cheesburger would hit the spot.(just kidding).

Stay strong!
on 7/13/10 12:59 am - New Freedom, PA
My surgeon said my hiatal hernia was the size of a Winnebago and took 3 times as long to repair as it did to put on the band. Afterward, I had far more soreness from my diaphragm than from the port site. When your diaphragm hurts the last thing you want to do is take deep breaths but that's exactly what I had to do.

Like you, he progressed me through the stages more slowly because of the hernia. It was almost 2 weeks before I had graduated to solid foods. He wanted to be sure I didn't vomit as it could have blown out the hernia repair. I didn't want to risk that either so I followed his orders to the letter.

In hindsight, all of the discomfort and craving for "real" food was worth it. It is such a blessing to be able to lay flat on my back in bed and not have acid reflux. For the first time in over 15 years I'm not afraid to lay flat. My old family doctor's advice about the acid reflux was to lose weight -- no Prevacid, no investigating what was going on -- just lose weight. When I found out about the hiatal hernia from a different test, I got a new family doctor! I used to sing and do dinner theatre and local musicals but the acid reflux scarred my vocal cords and I am now hoarse all the time. I wish I had done something about the acid reflux before it got that bad.

Keep taking it ODAT (One Day At a Time). It's been over 4 months since my surgery and I couldn't be happier that I decided to get the band. All that anxiety about when I'd be able to eat again is long past. I'm just focusing on today and how much progress I've made. You will too!
Rich -- "One Day at a Time, One Pound at a Time"
(Start: 292.6 / surgery weight: 265.0 / current: 205.6 / goal: 175.0)
on 7/13/10 8:48 pm
Thanks for the advice.  I wanna be like you when I grow up.  I think my doctor does things a little different than most of the ones I see on the board.  The first week I don't even get the protein shakes or yogart, only broth, popsicles and jello.  ODAT is how I'm going to try to approach this.  I too had heart burn for years!  Never any test to figure out why but my doctor did give me Prevacid.  No more heartburn so that is a great result in and of itself!  I'm down about 8 pounds in the first week, so I know I must have down something right... Okay who couldn't lose that weight eating only popsicles, broth and jello!!!
on 7/15/10 12:45 am
I also had my surgery on July 7th and I just started soft foods yesterday and believe me, I REALLY enjoyed that little piece of talapia and the green beans immensely, normally, I wouldn't have even had talapia and a veggie!!!!! Probably would have been pasta or chinese or something unhealthy.  I'm down 17lbs and I'm thrilled.  I just took my bandages off this morning and no problem, it's still a little sore though, like when I go to get up from a sitting position or when i cough, but, no pain at all................ otherwise I feel great and I can't say that I've been hungry yet.  Just had my first real "egg" and throughly enjoyed it!  It will start to feel better, I'm sure, but, if you're worried about it, just give your doc a call and put your mind at ease about it.

Have a great journey!
on 7/10/10 1:16 pm - Marysville, WA
I am in the same boat with you guys! Sucks watching everyone else eat..when all i had today was a popsicle, 1/4 of a protein shake and water. I don't feel hungry but i think its cause it hurts to move sometimes. and i feel like i have to burp a lot but its just pain there. definitly not liking this soreness but in what 6-8 weeks i'm sure i will so pain it is for now.
on 7/10/10 2:06 pm
I understand how you feel with the hernia operation, I had a hernia operation (belly button hernia) last yr and they put mesh in my stomache and Girl I couldn't hardly get around for about 2 wks so I can just imagine how it fells on top of the band operation. How you get felling better soon. My husband and I both are looking at getting the band operation and he went and talked with him doctor and they put my huband on a 6 wk liq/protein diet and he isn't thinking much of it cause he likes to eat LOL I go the 12th to see my doctor we have different dr's do to insurance reasons. Well Congrats on the operation and hope the best for you.
Tom C.
on 7/11/10 2:42 am - Mount Arlington, NJ
I know someone who had the operation, and on the ride home from the hospital their spouse stopped off to get the person's prescription filled. And when they came out of the drug store, and got into the car, the spouse also had a big candy bar and proceeded to eat it in the car - but was polite enough to say "YOU DON'T MIND DO YOU???" before eating it.

With that said, you are not faltering - but experiencing NORMAL FEELINGS. IMHO - we're addicts, and food is our vice, and we will probably always have these feelings (remember the put the ban around your stomach and not around your head). WHAT WE DO WITH THOSE FEELINGS IS WHAT IS IMPORTANT.

Know you are not alone, and have many folks here who will help you. Also I would suggest going to support groups. They help address these feelings
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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