
Replacing LapBand with Realize tomorrow

on 7/1/10 6:04 am
I had lapband surgery nearly 3 years ago and now, after springing a leak, I'm having it replaced tomorrow with the Realize Band.  Anyone have theirs replaced?  I was doing so well up to this point and I'm just really bummed that I have to do this.  Is this one supposed to be better than the Lapband?  I'm confused and anxious. 
Living Life with Purpose & Joy!

Stephanie M.
on 7/1/10 1:45 pm
Realize is just a wider band that displaces it's weight across a broader section of our stomach...the port is flatter and wider and is not sutured into place, but has little "claws" that hook onto our tissue to hold it in place...it is very similar to the lap-band.  I was shown each during my pre-op appt and chose Realize because it is a "low" pressure band that may have fewer erosions, etc.


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


on 7/4/10 8:08 am
I am going the 12th to my 1st visit to the doctor, dietation, and get pshyo eval. I am new to all of this so the lapband is different in some ways then the realize band? Question, which one do u feel is better and why? I need all the help and support I can get my family isn't for me getting the surgery. I really want to get this but kinda scared and confused .
on 7/4/10 10:58 am - New Freedom, PA
The two bands are very, very similar. I would ask my surgeon if he preferred one over the other and why. Mine didn't care which one I chose and left it up to me. I chose the Realize band because of the website (REALIZE mySUCCESS) that provides tracking your surgeon can use. For me, it turned out that the website wasn't very useful to me and my surgeon doesn't have the staff to follow everyone.

I also have a friend who is an OR nurse and has seen a lot of bariatric surgeries and she chose the Realize band for herself because she felt there were fewer post-op problems with it. That's purely anecdotal so I don't know if that is true or not. She got her band about a year before I did and she's been very pleased with it (as have I with mine).

In the end, the decision to have bariatric surgery and which type of surgery to have is a very personal one -- one that is arrived at in consultation with your doctor. What is right for one person may not be the right decision for someone else. No matter what decision you make, you'll find lots of support here and on other message boards on this website.

Best of luck on your journey. (((((HUGS))))) 
Rich -- "One Day at a Time, One Pound at a Time"
(Start: 292.6 / surgery weight: 265.0 / current: 205.6 / goal: 175.0)
on 7/2/10 12:06 am

I had Realize band placed April 19th and have lost 32 lbs so far....
I LOVE it.... I chose Realize because it had the flatter port and less problems...I was told there are no differences when it comes to weight loss..they are equally GREAT !!


Tom C.
on 7/2/10 1:38 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

Sorry to hear about your band replacement. Now to answer if one band is better than the other .. well .. If you ask Company "A" they will tell you their  band it better than Company "B" ...

IMHO, a band is a band and it's ONLY A TOOL. As long as you adhere to all what is expected from you, you will succeed.

Good luck, and know we're here if you need us !!
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 7/2/10 2:21 pm - uncasville, CT
REALIZE Band on 08/05/09 with
Well i just had fill today and my doc told me that he has gone back to the lap-band because the realize is to unpredictable and takes a long time to get to restriction.. i have the realize band and i am approaching my one year i still do not have restriction i have been getting a fill every six weeks i am up to 9.50 or more ccs..  it has been a crazy long process kinda wish i had gotten by-pass god did i just say that..lol.. whatever i can run 4 miles that's good enough for me and i am hiking mount washington in september ....so whatever i will keep plugging along..
(deactivated member)
on 7/4/10 11:51 am
Hi from Florida,
I've been to Mt Washington..and if you hike up THAT, you are my hero !!!!!

on 7/5/10 11:37 am - uncasville, CT
REALIZE Band on 08/05/09 with
Thanks i am excited... i was in florida last week fort myers i drove down..oh god dont think i will do that again..lol.. enjoy..
(deactivated member)
on 7/5/10 12:08 pm
well, congrats for surviving i-95....I'm on the other side..the oil free one (so far)  I'm on the space coast...
We did the new england thing a few years ago..it was nice to see trees and mountains. the highest point in my county is the landfill....I am not kidding

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