
what to do when you need to take pills

on 6/23/10 3:55 am
I have a terrible infection in my mouth.With not being able to take pills(they could get stuck)..what can I do?They gave me amoxacillian liquid..But,its not working.I tryed to pull apart a new antibiotic the dentist gave me,,and pour the power into applesauce.I threw it right up.I'm in pain so bad.My dentist is clueless what I should do.She didn't want me to have the band to begin with.Any suggestions?Thanks
Stephanie M.
on 6/23/10 6:07 am
Don't know your specific cir****tances, but my doctor suggested cutting my pills in half or quarters and so far I have not had a problem...hope this helps and you feel better soon!


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


on 6/23/10 6:40 am
Thanks,,,the pills they have me on are capsules(I cant cut them,only pull apart and pour out the powder.I decided to just try and swallow one..and,,it didn't get stuck.So,for now,Ill keep doing that.I did cut Excedrin pm in half last night,and that did work .I Love my band,but feared the day would come,id need a pill.Thanks again...Ruth
on 6/28/10 11:31 am - Alexandria, VA
 I was actually going to post about this exact same thing--but regarding what is working! :)

Azithromycin as a liquid! Liquid form is for children so it requires the doctor does some homework on the dosing-- but it goes down easy and is strong stuff. I am allergic to Quinoloes  (cirpo, levaquin, etc) so using Azithromycin has been fantastic. STILL, it is kind of a headache to explain, and re-explain, the reason for it to the pharmacist.

If your capsule med is time-release you CANNOT open it; that will make you very, very sick. Not time release--then if the doc says OK, hooray for you! 

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