
South Carolina Medicaid to cover WLS??

on 6/13/10 6:49 am
 Sooo my idea that finding a doctor would be simple turned out to be not so simple. Just about everyone I call does not accept Medicaid!!! Out of the only two that did one only accepts for their county(not the one I live in) and the other only takes 12 Medicaid patients a year and said they have exceeded their limit. Soo my options are looking slim. There are some places that I have seen around the state that do but I live in Sumter and some of those places are like 2 hours away and I do not trust my car to make that drive back and forth. Soooo I'm still looking. Anyone have this problem and solved it? or know a doctor that accepts Medicaid?
on 6/14/10 9:55 pm - Columbia, SC
Keep checking keep looking dont give up something will break as soon as you feel you have no other options. I wanted to have the surgery so bad but at the time tricare would not cover it. I wrote lettters to the insurance company and they denied my attemps to have the surgery for almost 7 months then all of a sudden they started covering the surgery. I went to the semniar again for the second time in Sept and got Realize banded in Dec of 08, Keep asking questions and keep calling and researching. I know Dr. *****ett office use to take it give them a call in Columbia they did mine with tricare and he is great. Good Luck.
on 6/15/10 6:15 am
 yeah he did a friend of mine a few years back. I called the office but I was told they only take 12 cases a year and they had already exceeded their limit for this year. I heard about MUSC and I called there yesterday and they accept it I had to view and online video and take a quiz then send them my contact info so that I can receive a packet. So its like an hour and a half away from me but hopefully it works out!
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