
Decisions, decisions.....

on 6/1/10 2:59 pm, edited 6/1/10 3:08 pm

I canceled my first Lap Band sugery date due to some major concerns about the surgeon I had picked.  Although I do not regret my decision to look at other surgeons, now that I have gone to the seminars of surgeons that do multiple procedures, not just the Lap Band, I am more conflicted about what to do.
Here's my situation........My insurance covers both gastric Banding and Gastric Bypass.  I came into the seminars for both surgeons wanting the gastric band and scared of gastric bypass.  Now I'm not so sure.  I like so many things about gastric banding but the million dollar question for me is "will I be able to lose enough with the gastric band?' 

At 5'2 and 260 lbs, I have an ideal weight of about 135, which is on the high end of the BMI healthy range which means that I will need to lose about 125 lbs with the gastric band to get to a "healthy" weight.  Out of the statistics I have read about the lap band, not too many if any lose that high of a percentage of weight with the gastric band.  It seems like most patients average a 40-43% excess weight loss.  Doing the math on that, after losing the average amount would still put me a little over 200 lbs.  Of coarse that's better than where I'm at right now but just so frustrating.  Now of coarse I know that will depend on me and my diet and exercise regiman on how much I am able to lose but I am looking for a powerful tool to not only help me lose the weight but keep it off.....probably like everyone else here in the forum.  I am also scared as that I've heard may band patients say that it doesn't take away your hunger and you must have more willpower than with the bypass!  Frankly if I had great willpower and didn't have issues with hunger, do you think I would be at 260 lbs :) ????   

On the other hand, the statistics for gastric bypass are far more promising to enable me to meet my goal but I am scared of the restrictions and dumping side effects.  My husband's ex wife had gastric bypass in 2002 and he watched her go through hell the first 6 months after the surgery and she ended up losing about 110 lbs. Although he is very supportive of my decision to have WLS, he is a little apprehensive about the gastric bypass procedure.  My fear is that I would never feel like I am living a "normal" and be so restricted that I would be miserable.  Although again, not like I'm not currently miserable at 260 lbs!!  

I guess I have more research to do to look at the numbers and decide which one is best for me. But that's just easier said than done. Just hoping someone might have a little insight that could help me on this......  I"m posting this in both surgery forums as my local board is very stale at the moment.  I've been pouring through the posts trying to figure out an average amount of weight that people with the Lap Band/Realize band have lost versus the gastric bypass.  Any of your personal stats with the banding would be great to see and might help me make a decision.   

 I am looking at this surgery as a one time deal.  I just want to make the right choice and I am just so torn right now. 

Thanks in advance!!
on 6/2/10 12:45 am - MI
Everyone loses at different rates and will have different successes. For me the decision not to have RNY was based more on not wanting to "rearrange" my organs. Others have issues with inserting a plastic band inside their body. That has to be your decision. I began my journey at 268 lbs (I am 5'3). I had my band placed in Sept 09, I have lost 64 lbs to date. That is 50% of what I want to lose in only 9 months. I didn't put on this weight over night and I don't expect to lose it over night either. Even if I never see 140 lbs I am so much better off already, I no longer have high blood pressure and I am no longer pre-diabetic. I take my successes as they come and enjoy life everyday.  Good luck on your journey.
MaMa M

on 6/2/10 7:58 am - New Freedom, PA
What does your surgeon recommend? After talking with me and going over all of my medical conditions and previous weight-loss efforts he told me he thought I was an ideal band candidate. I was happy he said that because, like you, I was reluctant to re-arrange my "plumbing." 

I would ask your surgeon's opinion and why he leans one way or the other. After listening to him you may be better able to make an informed decision.

Good luck whichever you choose!
Rich -- "One Day at a Time, One Pound at a Time"
(Start: 292.6 / surgery weight: 265.0 / current: 205.6 / goal: 175.0)
on 6/2/10 9:49 am - Alexandria, VA
with either surgery YOU determine the success, not the procedure. They are different tools, but both are proven to work to the extent that the person uses them. Whichever you choose will work if you work it.
on 6/2/10 10:11 pm - Davison, MI

I think talking with your surgeon is excellent advice.  I was also confused as to which procedure I should choose in the beginning and after speaking with my surgeon about my goals and my current physical condition I was very confident that the band was the right choice for me.  I have not regretted my decision and have lost 54 pounds since Oct. 16th. 

It is a personal decision.  Each of us have different goals and different reasons which brought us to bariatric surgery.  It is one of the most important decisions of my life so my advice is to research like crazy, discuss with your Dr. and family, and then decide.

I would also like to address your concerns with hunger.  Please understand that regardless of which procedure you choose...you will still have the emotional issues that got you to this point to deal with.  The surgery does not take away hunger...your body still needs to be nurished and you will feel physical hunger.  I told one of my girlfreinds the other day that I was starving right before lunch and she said to me "Your not supposed to get hungry anymore."  That really surprised me that she thought that.  What the surgery does is help you feel satisfied on much less than you would normally eat.   What the surgery doesn't do is heal the emotional issues that got us to the point of surgery...I still fight head hunger.  I want to eat.  Sometimes I even feel sad that I can't eat a big plate of food because it tastes so good.  The fat girl in my head wants to keep going even though my body can't tolerate those volumes anymore.

You have heard everyone say that it is a tool...it is very true.  The surgery is only one component to success.  You will still have to embrace and work through what ever emotional issues that got you to this point and for me that is the hard part.  I find that the support groups offered by the bariatric clinic helpful, this forum is wonderful, exersize helps,  some choose therapy, etc. 

Whatever you decide to do I wish you the best and hope all goes well for you. 

My mantra:  Each day is an new opportunity to be happier, healthier and better than the day before.  I will live each day with enthusiam and be thankful for the many blessings that surround me. I will do my best to pay it forward whenever possible

Tom C.
on 6/3/10 9:34 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

As the wise man Homer Simpson once said, Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything. 14% of people know that." With that said, all the statistics are just that – statistics. There are people who do better then what those statistics show (like myself), and there are people who do worst.


Only you know you, and you know your eating habits.


(1) If your a sweet eater and can't control yourself, the bypass is probably the best choice. If you are a large volume eater, and don't care about sweets - then the band is probably a good choice. 


(2) This is a personal decision. While one operation has been successful for one person, it may not be for another. No one can choose for you. You need to know yourself.


(3) Remember, either operation is only a tool. This isn't a cure all. You need to work at it. You need to change your eating habits. It will take some self-discipline and self-control. They put the tool around your stomach, not around your brain.


Personally, some people (even Doctors) tried swaying me into a bypass. I was steadfast because I felt if I DID FAIL I would hate to always question myself “would I have been successful if I did the band".


Final advice – keep on RESEARCHING. You can never have enough knowledge.


Always know no matter what route you decide on, we’ll be here to help you.



Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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