
Who is using "Realize my Success"

Stephanie M.
on 6/1/10 3:09 am
Hi everyone! I had my surgery on Friday and am doing well...no real problems, except using the web-site. Trying to journal foods is insane! I put in egg and I get only prepared or fast food, no fresh egg? I am using this web-site for keeping my food journal, but wanted to use the other site as well, since it says the doc has visibility too. Anyone have this problem?


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


Kim U.
on 6/1/10 4:52 am
I found the site hard to use and haven't really used it. My doc doesn't use it either so I guess that is part of it. I've seen other people on here post about using it for the doc and stuff too.
I personally log my food at myfitnesspal.com.
199 here I come! 
on 6/1/10 12:40 pm
I just started using it a couple of weeks ago.  It is a little cumbersome, but I enter my own nutrition information, based on labels and/or info from calorieking.com.  I had my surgery at Tufts, but I am being followed by a surgeon in New Hampshire, where I go for fills.  He indicated that he uses it, so I figured it would be worthwhile to obtain the best medical care possible.  I have to be willing to do everything I can to get healthy.  This is just one small thing that I can do!  I track every bite that I stick in my mouth, and all of my exercise.
faith S.
on 6/1/10 1:28 pm - Santa Ana, CA
I used it for a day. takes to long to log food
on 6/2/10 12:49 am - MI
You are correct, it is cumbersome in the begining. Once you get the foods you most often entered into the custom foods it is pretty easy to use. I also allows you to print out a summary of your weight food intake which makes it easy to see where you went wrong...or right. I don't log my food everyday but when I am stuck I do it and then I can tell wether it is the food I am eatting or if I am not getting enough exercise, not enough water, etc.
MaMa M

on 6/2/10 9:56 am - Alexandria, VA
 ugh! Every time I go on their site I can't even find my way around! It is such a bad, poorly designed site! I am so glad others are having the same experience! You'd think with all the $$ they've spent marketing it they would have tested it out with users a little more to get the trouble shooting out of the way...

...oh well.

on 6/2/10 1:31 pm - New Freedom, PA
I stopped using it after I found out my surgeon doesn't have the staff to monitor it. I also found it incredibly clumsy to use. I don't know why they made the design choices they did but the overall effect is not user-friendly.

One of my biggest gripes is that I cannot cut-and-paste in their interface. I suspect that is because they've used Adobe Flash instead of HTML/ASP/.NET. I also hate the way the list of custom foods is displayed. It doesn't seem to be organized either alphabetically or chronologically. I have a large list of foods I've entered  but I can't find a specific one by scrolling the list -- I have to remember what I called it and let them search the list to find it.

I was using SparkPeople.com to keep my food diary prior to my surgery and I still find it provides me with all the information I need. I can also track both cardio and strength exercises there. There are a few quirks and idiosyncrasies there, too, but far, far fewer than Realize mySuccess. I would only start using the mySuccess site again if my surgeon started monitoring it.
Rich -- "One Day at a Time, One Pound at a Time"
(Start: 292.6 / surgery weight: 265.0 / current: 205.6 / goal: 175.0)
on 6/6/10 5:29 am - Clearwater, FL
Congrats on your surgery! Yup, I find the site not at all user friendly. i basically log  my weight there and not much else. takes way too long to log food on there, especially since there is no allotment for puree or liquids, and the portions are much larger than we should be eating. Try the LAP-BAND site. They have good recipes too!
on 6/6/10 2:35 pm - Okotoks, Canada
I,m with you all..the REallize My sucess site is really not user friendly at all.  I shtere some way we can let them know how we are all feeling and encourage them to makeit easier to use???  It could be really helpful

342/298/280175  highest / surgery  wtNov 19/08/ current/ goal
on 6/7/10 2:11 am - New Freedom, PA
If you log on to REALIZE mySUCCESS you will see a "Contact Us" link in the lower right-hand corner. Click on that and you will get a form that allows you to give them feedback. I just went there and told them my complaints about the site. There's also an 800 number you can call for customer assistance. Maybe complaining to a real person would make more of a difference.
Rich -- "One Day at a Time, One Pound at a Time"
(Start: 292.6 / surgery weight: 265.0 / current: 205.6 / goal: 175.0)
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