
Nausea and Pain

on 5/27/10 6:42 am
I was just banded two days ago on 5/25.  For the most part everything seems ok.  I have to slow down drinking the isopure, but it's hard.  I don't like it so I'd much rather chug it and get it over with.  

Anyway, I'm having two problems that I noticed.  I've been nauseous quite a bit today, especially when I smell food.  Reminds me of when I was pregnant, and no I'm not LOL. I also have a new painful, puffy "bruise" on the right side of my abdomen.  It wasn't there until today.  It's about two inches across and it's bright red and puffy.  It's also quite sore.  It's about two inches away from the incision where the port went in.  Any ideas what it could be?  I'm worried that it could be a fluid collection or that I did something to the port when I rolled onto my side and slept that way last night.  I tried to sleep on my back, but can't control what happens after I fall asleep :-).

Any ideas would be appreciated.

on 5/27/10 10:12 am

I think the nausa is common.  They gave me anti-nausa pills but thankfully I haven't had to use them.  The bruise I have not heard of.  It may be related to sleeping on the port but I would double check with your docotor just to be sure.  

Sleeping is a little odd for me.  I pad myself with two body pillows to keep me on my back.  They never said don't sleep on my side but I can't imagine it would be good for things.  Did your doc say anything about it?

on 5/28/10 1:09 am
 No, they didn't say anything about not sleeping on my side.  I'm trying to stay off that side.  The bruise seems to be doing a bit better.  It was weird because it was itching and I've never had a bruise do that.  My daughter, who is an EMT, looked at it and said it looked like a rash over the bruise.  Turns out when I slept on my side one of the bandages rubbed up against the area and irritated it.  I'm very sensitive to to the adhesive in bandaids.  A little benadryl and it was much better.

They didn't give me anything for the nausea but I think it might be coming from my iron pill.  I usually take it with food since it makes me feel sick.  I called my PCP and he said I could skip it until I'm back on food.

How are you feeling after surgery?  I hope all is going well.  I feel pretty good so my biggest challenge is not overdoing it.

on 5/28/10 10:07 am - Montreal, Canada
Hi ladies!
I was banded on 5/25 as well. I was a little bit nauseous the first 2 days, but they had given me some anti-nausea pills and they really helped.
Things are going really well - I also have bruising close to one of the 3 incisions on my stomach, but that's started to fade. I'm glad the Benadryl helped, Wendy, and that it seemed to be a reaction and nothing more serious.

About sleeping on my side - I asked the nurse about that, and she said it's no problem - and that if it were a problem, my body would naturally move me to a better position :)

They prescriped Dilaudid for the pain, and I took my last one the day before yesterday - so far so good. I took an Advil at the end of the day yesterday, because I was feeling sore, but not in enough pain for the incredible knock-out effect of the dilaudid!

Today I actually left the house... went for a drive and to the video store. I figured once I started being bored at home, I was getting better.. it felt great to get out. Putting a bra on was a bit of a challenge, but a soft one seemed fine.

Nice to have some people banded in the same week to chat with! Congrats ladies!


on 5/29/10 1:50 am
I had surgery four days ago and am having periodic waves of severe nausea.   They don't last long, but they are uncomfortable.   Don't seem to be related to food smell or intake.   I've taken to sucking on ice chips which may help or may merely be coincidental and the nausea would go away anyway.  
Tom C.
on 6/3/10 6:45 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

How you feeling now?
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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