
Question on Restriction

on 5/24/10 5:29 am - Waltham, MA
So I am a bit confused here. In July I will be celebrating my anniversary however I still feel that I do not have true restriction. People have described to me that restriction is when you get full after 3 or 4 bites.  I would be happy if i was full after 15 bites!  I'll tell you this, I do not get full but certain foods do get stuck in my esophagus which is soooooo damn uncomfortable. I hate those sliming episodes!  So tell me this.. is my food getting "Stuck" what they call restriction?  I have a very difficult time with chicken and broccoli.  Some meats don't want to go down and then some do.  The foods I am able to tolerate I can eat in VERY large amounts... I just called my surgeon and told him i wanted another fill.  I've plateaued for a little over 3 months now and I exercises daily.. I should be losing weight.  This is discouraging.  I just need feedback from folks who know what true restriction is.. Please help... Thanks so much!
"There is a road, no simple highway,
Between the dawn and the dark of night,
And if you go no one may follow,
That path is for your steps alone."
  -Robert Hunter
on 5/24/10 9:51 pm - Davison, MI

Hi Susan,

I too have problems with certain foods.  Rice, lettuce, soft breads and sometimes chicken are difficult for me.  It seems like some days I can eat almost anything and other days my band just isn't having much at all.  It is very fickle.   There are some foods that I can eat way more than 3 or 4 bites for sure!
While I agree it may be time for a fill if the scale hasn't moved in 3 months, you may also want to switch up your workouts and change what your eating to kick start the weight loss too. The NUT at our office always tells us that is one way to bust through a plateau.

While I know you are frustrated...you have lost 107 pounds!!!!  WOW!   You are doing a great, GREAT job and should consider yourself a complete success. 
Best wishes to you and keep up the great strides...you inspire me.

My mantra:  Each day is an new opportunity to be happier, healthier and better than the day before.  I will live each day with enthusiam and be thankful for the many blessings that surround me. I will do my best to pay it forward whenever possible

on 5/24/10 10:22 pm - Waltham, MA
Thanks so much for the reply Leslie.. Every bit of info helps. And thanks for the encouragement. I am soo happy with my success so far.  It's just that I put everything into this to try to get the results I desire.  I have never worked so hard in my life and I guess I fear that even though I am working this hard.. this may be it... and i'm not willing to accept that.  So much has changed and I do feel great but ofcourse I want more!  I envisioned myself at a certain point and I am determined to get there!  So thanks again...  you know, this is really not what I thought it would be.  I truly thought I would get full.. This whole food getting stuck thing really bites!

"There is a road, no simple highway,
Between the dawn and the dark of night,
And if you go no one may follow,
That path is for your steps alone."
  -Robert Hunter
Tom C.
on 5/24/10 11:53 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

Whenever I hear “I have no restriction" I like to ask “what do you think a restriction should feel like?" – not saying there is a right or wrong answer, just wondering.


Now what that said – FOR ME RESTRICTION means, being able to eat a normal sensible meal, and then having a “sensor" that tells me it’s time to stop because you are full. AS LONG AS I FOLLOW THE RULES I am able to eat almost anything without having an issue. I need to make sure my pieces are small (I ask would I feed this to a baby – that human and not hippo); I chew 30+ times; and I wait a full minute before I put another piece of food in my mouth. While I marvel at the folks who said they eat 2 – 3 mouthful and they are done, it takes me my full allotment to feel full. There are some days when I feel I can eat more than others, but I try to remain focus and wait a complete 30 minutes to see if I feel full/satisfied (studies show it takes 20 to 30 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain it is full).


There are many people who cannot tolerate certain foods after the operation. That’s quite normal. Also, many find if they drink something warm 30 minutes before they eat, they have less issues eating (the warm liquids breakup mucus which can “harden" and cause a minor blockage).


Ok, I am done with my 2 ¢

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 5/25/10 1:18 am - Canada
Morning, I have also had a hard time with my band and restriction. I think that food getting stuck and restriction are 2 entirely different aspects of living with the band. Chicken, eggs, bread, etc. these are foods that will get stuck if not chewed properly regardless of restriction. I had 2 cc's at my first fill and hardboiled eggs were very painful, however I could also eat an entire meal and still be hungry.

I am still waiting for the band to hit the point where I feel full after a smaller meal than I am accustomed to. I am seriously hoping things improve in the short term.

So my question is back to the original post: will I get to the point where I can eat a small meal, 1 to 1 1/2 cups of food, and physically know it is time to stop? Right now I am at the same point as I was before surgery and have to stop cause I have hit the calorie limit rather than my body telling me it is time to stop.

Please help!
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."    
on 5/25/10 2:55 am - Davison, MI

I can say for myself...that yes I eat much smaller meals and feel physically full.  I do take my time with them as Tom said and I do reach a point where I know that one more bite is would be too much and I stop.  I don't measure my food but it is close to a cup or cup and a half each meal, and I always eat my solid protein first.

And Susan....I doubt very much you are done with your weight loss.  Maybe your body just needs a bit of time to catch up.  I would make your appt. to see the Dr. and also talk with the nutritionist there.  My surgeons office has a support group once a month that the nutritionist hosts...it is a great opportunity to talk with her.  Maybe your area has one as well...Just a thought.

Again...best wishes.  Hang in there and I'm sure you will see the scale going down soon.  You sound like a very determined person.

Leslie  :)

My mantra:  Each day is an new opportunity to be happier, healthier and better than the day before.  I will live each day with enthusiam and be thankful for the many blessings that surround me. I will do my best to pay it forward whenever possible

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