
Really Bad Doctor Visit

Monica C.
on 5/21/10 8:41 pm

Post surgery Is anyones doctor asking them to follow a all carb diet and  exercise 7 days a weeks at least 30 minutes a day?  This is my doctors recommendation. 

on 5/21/10 9:38 pm
Low carb diet, yes.  All carb diet?  That makes no sense.
Yes, my doctor wants me excercising 7 days per week too.
on 5/21/10 10:55 pm
I'm low carb and exercise too. 

The best inspiration is to not outdo others, but to outdo ourselves.

on 5/22/10 1:18 am
Low carb,  high protein and yes, exercise daily...30 min walks, for example.
on 5/22/10 7:45 am
My Dr talks about portion control and exercising, the more the better, 5 times a week
Tammy G.
on 5/22/10 10:22 am - Indian Trail, NC
Do you have a nutritionist?   I would talk to them.   I've only heard of high protein, low carb diet with this surgery - but who knows.     Chat with your nutritionist I think.

Exercise is a must.
on 5/22/10 10:45 am - Athens, GA
Your Dr. is a moron if he told u to be on an "all carb diet"!!!
Monica C.
on 5/22/10 11:59 am
O.K. my Doctor is not a fan of Lap Band or Realize Band he STRONGLY recommends gastric Bypass b/c he says with the Band surgeries  you cant predict weight loss and some are not successful at all.  Well everyone that I know *****ally tries/ makes great effort losses.  I am following a very low carb diet and he scolds me every time he sees me for the carbs I eat.  I have lost 30 lbs which I feel good about.  He says I have tried it my way and it did not work so I should follow his recommendations.  I feel with his plan I am setting myself up for failure b/c I KNOW I CANT FOLLOW THAT DIET sounds like Adkins .  My plan which I have been following is to to eat foods from all food groups in moderation's and continue to learn and eat Healthy for life.  

My doctors office STAFF has been the worst.  I always wait 1 hour or MORE to see doctor (on Friday while at appointment I got into an argument with the Nurse b/c she told me I have to learn to wait/that's life.  After I told them I had to leave after waiting over an hour to see doctor.  Staff is very rude and condescending. 

This is a journey and I am doing my part  with diet and exercising I try to do 5 days a week running on treadmill 30 minutes and I feel good about myself.  I just wish weight would come off  faster but It took me a while to put on the pounds.....   So I am going to find another doctor. We philosophically disagree.      
on 5/24/10 9:59 pm
I would find a new doctor.
Tom C.
on 5/25/10 12:07 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

Every Doctor is different, and have their own views .. with that said .. My Doctor feels we did not have this operation to be ON A DIET.

We NEED to be CAREFUL WHAT WE EAT and HOW MUCH WE EAT - but these operations are suppose to help us live a normal life, without dieting. If we're suppose to diet, then why bother having the operation?

As for exercise, you should do it at least 3 times a week.

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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