
You Lie!

Lisa Y.
on 5/20/10 11:30 pm
Normally I have a high tolerance, but this actually brought tears to my eyes. I hope the next time is better. :)
on 5/21/10 2:31 am - Houston, TX
The first two fills there was no pain but the third one was so painful. I bled and cried too...I'm going to ask them to numb me next time.
on 5/21/10 11:15 am - Morgantown , PA
I had 2 fills so far. The first was just a little pinch and the second was a bit more painful but, not bad really. I am scheduled for my 3rd fill next week. I hope it is less painful then the last, they do not numb it first at all. I am lucky that he has found my port easily both times. Congrats on the weightloss!
Shrinking Sharon
on 5/26/10 8:01 am - Birmingham, AL

I have only had 1 fill (#2 next week). The doc did it himself without numbing medication and I did not even know he had stuck the needle in me. Absolutely painless. The nurse located the port with an ultrasound machine first and marked it with a sharpie. I normally have a low threshold for pain, so I was a little worried before my 1st one.

Even if it would have been painful, taking off these first 50 lbs has been worth it.

on 5/30/10 12:01 am

I have had over 5 fills and I have never experienced any pain or bleeding. Granted, its not the most comfortable feeling to have a huge needle in your abdominal area...but...if your doc knows whar he's doing...you won't experience any major discomfort or side effects.

Left the band and rocking with RNY.
They say I have an eating disorder but I say, I have my eating in order.         


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