
You Lie!

Lisa Y.
on 5/19/10 10:22 am
I got my first fill today (3cc). For all of you who said it does hurt...you are full of ****!  LOL I bled like crazy and it hurt like a ***** 

The good news is I reached another goal - I'm below 250!  Yippie 

on 5/19/10 10:27 am
 OUCH! I have yet to have my first fill, so I don't know you're pain yet, but I will. I had surgery on 5/10 and am down 17 lbs. so far. I am very hungry and I find myself eating more than 4 oz. Is the normal?? I just started soft foods, and I had butternut squash, and I ate some lo mein noodles, which I know I shouldn't have, but I feel so deprived from not eating I couldn't help myself. I don't feel great yet! I am still very sore, and I am mad at myself for not being able to follow the rules. please advise if a little depression seems to be normal in the 2nd week after surgery. thanks, koren
Lisa Y.
on 5/19/10 10:51 am
First, you won't feel great until week 3 or 4 and all the sudden you will feel better. Second, you have fallen off the wagon, don't be down on yourself for it. Just start anew tomorrow.  Yes depression is normal, but you can't fix it with eating bad food aka lo mein.  I came on here and talked to people, cried alot and asked for support from my husband and went to the gym---walked. It really helped. You can always ask your doc for medicine if it persists.

I have been able to eat 4 to 8 oz up until now. I think you just need to eat more of the right things go heavy on the protein and it will fill you up more. Here is a sample of what I have been eating:

8oz  Protein Shake

6 oz Greek Yogurt

Tuna Salad 2oz
Cottage Cheese 4oz

8oz Protein Shake

1/2 Small Baked Potato with I can't believe it's not butter and salt/pepper
4oz Grilled Fish

Make sure you have plenty of water in between.

Ok, now I am going to give you a min-lecture don't take it personally. You went through all this work, paid a lot of money (even with insurance) so why would you want to sabatoge yourself 2 weeks out. According to my meal plan I wasn't even allow to have pureeds until week 3, so I think you are also eating solid food too early. You can make yourself sick doing this.

If you don't want to feel deprived, get creative. Make omlets, try new soup recipes, etc. I would hate to see you fail, because you gave up right away.

Here is a website with recipes:

I hope all this helps.

on 5/19/10 10:41 am, edited 5/19/10 10:42 am
I have learned that whether or not the fill hurts seems to be based on the skill of the Poker.� When the assistant did mine, it was not pleasant....this one done on Monday by my surgeon� was perfect and painless.� Hope it gets better for you.

Congrats on your weight loss....surely meeting that milestone was worth a little discomfort and blood....no?
Lisa Y.
on 5/19/10 11:30 am

For sure! 

on 5/20/10 12:01 am - MI
I agree, it really does depend on the "sticker"...I have had 3 fills and it has never hurt. My surgeon does them himself...it is a little sting for the numbing meds then you don't feel anything after that.
MaMa M

on 5/20/10 1:08 am - Olathe, KS
Congrats on your goal!!  Wow it hurt.. did he not numb it?

7.8 cc in a 10 cc band, Started at 378 lbs
Goodbye 300 forever and ever! 07/18/2009
Tummy Tuck August 13, 2010

Lisa Y.
on 5/20/10 2:29 am
Yeah he numbed it, but it didn't take and he had to dig around to find the port hole. It was a bloody mess...and I mean that literally. 
Tammy G.
on 5/20/10 9:04 am - Indian Trail, NC
I am so sorry you had a bad experience.   I am very afraid of needles so was very nervous about my first fill.    Thankfully it all went well and no pain.    Couldn't agree more on the skill of the sticker though -- first fill by surgeon there was no pain.   Second fill was by PA - there was a little uncomfort - but still not bad at all.

I hope your next experience is better and please don't let this one discourage you.

Btw - depression is very normal I'm finding.  

Good Luck.
on 5/20/10 9:42 pm
My fills have never hurt and I don't get numbing meds.   It feels just like getting blood taken.  Maybe I have a high tolerance?  
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