
Help............Need example of letter from nutitionist

on 5/18/10 2:00 pm
Hello All,

If there is anyone out there that can send me a example/guide line of the nutritionist letter  needed by bc/bs PLEASE send it to me. I went to my doctor for 7 months  to check my weight and  discuss my eating habits, but she didn't write notes other then my weight. I only have two more weeks to get my request for lap band surgery sent in or I will need to start over again...I just can't take that.

Thank You in Advance
on 5/18/10 2:34 pm
Just do what I did...have you Dr. to call and asks them exactly what it is that they are needing and let them take it from there. Explain to them that you don't have much longer and that you need a rush put on it
on 5/18/10 3:02 pm
Thank You
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