

on 5/17/10 4:41 am
I got my 3rd fill today, and surgeon added 1.75 to my band, bringing me to a total of 9.75 cc.  We were both suprised that  I needed that much...so my concern (which I didn't think of later) is that I'm 1.25cc of band capacity! 

What happens if I need more than that in the future? I know that I should just take it one day at a time, hope that this is my sweet spot, and get through the next 3 days of clear future, but the thoughts keep popping up.

Tammy G.
on 5/17/10 9:16 am - Indian Trail, NC
Hi -   I got my second fill today.   Looks like we are working on a very similiar timeline.   I got my band on 1/15/2010.    I would have had 3 fills also but a few complications delayed my first adjustment.   I went today for my second fill and I now have 8cc.  

I have those same thoughts -- what if, what happens -- but you are right, we have to take it one day at a time.    

I am finding that I have some soreness this time that I didn't have the first time.  The first time they put in 6cc's and there was no soreness and I have felt no restriction.    I've lost a littleweight since then but it has continued to be all about will power.   But if I had great will power I wouldn't be here today - so am worried that if I don't start getting a little help from this tool that I will start gaining again.     I'm hoping the soreness that I feel is an indication of tighter restriction this time.   Guess we will find out after a few days of liquids and mushies. 

Good Luck. 
on 5/17/10 11:36 am
Hi :)
I have no soresness at all from today's adjustment.  It was perfect and painless.  My last one was pretty stressful because the PA had problems getting the needle into the port, and it felt like I was being stabbed repeatedly...I had a nice bruise from that.  I thought about telling her to forget about the whole thing and getting off the table that time.  Today my surgeon did it, and he obviously has more skill, and will be the only one I allow to poke me with fill needle!

I'm pretty hungry, and hoping that the next two days go relatively quickly....

Good luck :)
Tom C.
on 5/17/10 10:38 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ
They can fill it to the total maximum amount (in your case 13cc).
I have heard some Doctors state that they can even add a little more than the maximum allowed, but I am unsure how true that is.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 5/18/10 1:36 am
So an 11cc band  can really go up to 13cc?  I didn't know that.  Makes me feel good though to know that I've got some buffer before "game over". LOL
Tom C.
on 5/18/10 1:53 am - Mount Arlington, NJ
I either read what you wrote incorrectly, or my math is off.

If you have an 11cc band, the "official" total amount that band can hold is 11cc.

However, I have heard some Doctors say they can go 1 - 2 cc's more than the "official" amount. I cannot say if that's gospel or not.

You will need to speak to your Doctor.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 5/18/10 4:01 am

on 5/18/10 1:38 am
My surgeon is taking it so slowly I'm not sure I'll ever hit the "sweet spot."  My first fill was 3ccs, but the second was only .8cc.  She plans to add .8ccs each time now.  I'm hungry, not losing and very impatient.  My surgeon tells me to be patient and that it could take 5 or so fills before I start losing steadily.   I'm trying, but it isn't easy.


on 5/18/10 4:00 am
How are your fills done?  Mine are done under fluro so the doctor (and I) can see exactly how much saline is necessary to get restriction...after having it done this way, I don't think I'd ever have it done any other way.

I am certainly not going to set any records w/ my weight loss totals, but I am slowly going in the right direction.  I know I would get frustrated with a "poke and hope" fill.
on 5/19/10 5:01 am
Mine are not done under fluro.  The first took time because she coulfn't find the port, but eventually got 3ccs in.  On the second fill, she actually took the 3ccs out to see if there had been any leakage, then put the 3ccs back and added an additional .8ccs.  So far I'm at 3.8 and not feeling any restriction.  I go for my next fill on Friday.  My son is getting married in September, so I'm anxious to get some weight off and shop for a dress - LOL!

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