
3 days post op Realize band, very sore!

on 5/13/10 10:31 am
 Hello, I am new to this forum. I had my band put in on monday, and I am very sore, and hungry. I want to eat, and can only have clear fluids. Is anyone else experiencing this. I would like to find some people who are at the same stage as me. Please let me know when this hunger subsides. 
on 5/13/10 10:53 am
Hi :)
I would recommend using ice packs over the incisions, and walk as much as possible.  It's hard getting going, but you will feel so much better.  Also, if you are eating jello mostly, try some warm broth...the change in temperature may help with your hunger.

Good luck - you are on your way!
Lisa Y.
on 5/13/10 12:48 pm
I'm almost 5 weeks post op...

The pain will pass sooner than you think. If you are sore from all the gas pressure, walk around it will help. If it's the incisions, I agree ice is good. I also found I was better off with tylenol during the day and tylenol pm at night. It seemed to help my pain more than the victodin, which only made me tired and didn't take any pain away.

I hope this helps.

on 5/16/10 7:53 am - Lawrence, NJ
i'm 11 days post-op. the pain was really bad the first few days, no doubt. but everyone's advice is on point. walk as much as you can to ease the gas pain. and don't be afraid to use chewable gas-x. it provided instant relief!

as far as the hunger i've been finding this is a great time to really listen to my body and learn its cues. i realize i'm fighting head hunger more than actual stomach-growling hunger. i'd really love to bite into whatever my husband is enjoying, but when i take a deep breath, i realize i'm not actually hungry. i feel the fullness/restriction! so take your time and learn what your body is telling you.

if your stomach is growling, and you don't feel any restriction or fullness, i recommend ordering Iso-pure zero carb. it's flavored clear liquid protein drink. comes in all flavors, and you can order a case online, or go out to GNC or vitamin shoppe. it's a pure source of protein, and 4 oz will probably give your stomach the feeling like it just digested thanksgiving.

good luck and let us know how do do!
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