

Lisa Y.
on 5/11/10 3:44 am
Ever since I got my surgery I have had the hiccups. Sometimes it will just be one, but will happen frequently throughout the day. Other times I will have them for 10 minutes straight.

Am I total weirdo (that's a loaded question ) or does anyone else have this?

on 5/11/10 7:12 am - Morrisville, PA
I have hiccups too just not as much...it's normal.
            No longer a slave to hunger!                        
on 5/13/10 2:12 am - Livonia, NY
 Hello.  I had my banding surgery on 26-Apr-10 and I have experienced hiccups, too.  I've pinned it down to eating something that doesn't want to go down very easily.  In some cases, I rid my body of the food that is just sitting there and the hiccups go away.  But they are very annoying yet such a small price to pay for the advantages I will realize.
(deactivated member)
on 5/20/10 1:45 pm - Elkhorn City, KY
I posted this same question on the lap band forum and was told i eat too fast i have to remember to eat slowly and chew chew chew.

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