
Depression Question

Tammy G.
on 5/11/10 10:11 am - Indian Trail, NC
I've heard that sometimes after surgery and particularly weight loss surgery that patients can become depressed.     I'm definately feeling the BLAHS.   Not any major depression or anything but just sad in general or feeling like crying for no real reason (and I never cry).   Even after a nice Mothers day where all my kids were present I didn't feel happy.     Anyone else felt this?   Is it related to surgery?   How long does it last? 
on 5/11/10 10:19 am
I haven't had that trouble...however focus on the GREAT things to happen...health & smaller clothes!!!  Yipee
on 5/11/10 12:35 pm - Coker, AL
by your weight tracker you are doing great wtih your weight loss,,,,,,,,,,,,I  had 1/20/10 and i've just lost a little over 20 llbs. And I've had 3 fills #1 3cc # 2 3cc # 3 1 cc have some restriction but not alot................so cheer up you have alot to look forward to. but I have felt like that some, but its gets BETTER
SUE IN COKER        
on 5/11/10 3:02 pm
Don't worry...I had the blues too. Lasted for a while until I started going places and realizing what I can do that I once before couldn't. Just give it time. It'll pass. Maybe you need to get out and have a fun day...the one thing that made my blues go away is I went into Kmart and grabbed a pair of shorts thinking...I'll lose down to them. Took them home to see how tight they was...they were to big! Made my day and have been happy every since. Just keep thinking and dreaming about how you will be this time next year. Right now you're probably thinking why did I do this...I know I did. But I promise...PROMISE it'll pass. Before you know it you'll be smiling so hard your jaws will be hurting. Best wishes and remember...a smile looks better than a frown
on 5/12/10 5:32 am - Shrewsbury, PA
I had it, too. It took me a little bit by surprise. Somehow when they told me it could happen, I thought it couldn't possibly apply to me! (I'm soooo special) Anyway. For me it was only a couple of days. Even shed a tear or two. But it did go away once I sort of accepted it all. Even though I willingly, and happily did the surgery, I think that until after you have it, and you know that everything as you knew it before is changing, and you know you won't be snuggling up to that delicious Chick-Fil-A milk shake...the same way again...well, it was an adjustment. But it all sorts itself out when your new normal becomes more normal...
on 5/14/10 6:05 am - Richmond, KY

I'm glad to hear someone else say they had the blues too.  Yes, they said that it would happen, but yes I'm special too and it couldn't happen to me, HA HA..  Don't get me wrong I'm very happy about the weight loss and that does cheer me up.  It just hard sometime to miss the old days not that I want to go back to them. 

Start Weight - 260 lbs
Goal Weight - 150 lbs
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