
Couldn't believe it!

on 5/6/10 11:05 am
Went to the doctor....Dr. Tom was very happy with what I lost...as am I lol I'm down from 351 to 303 now. Haven't been able to eat anything without puking it up for the past 2 months. I mean this is a every day thing that was happening to me. So Dr.Tom decided he was gonna pull some air out of the band...OMG when I saw the needle I was about to freak out. He said you're gonna feel a little stick...I waited and waited...then he said he's done LOL I could not believe it...I was waiting on him to stick me with this needle that was every bit of 6 inches long lol. It was nothing at all. Pulled out some air and so far...I'm doing alot better now. I actually ate a little without throwing up. Yayyy me! I flat out LOVE DR. THOMAS SONNANSTINE! Now I'm not too worried when it comes time for a fill. Best wishes to every one
on 5/6/10 9:19 pm - Davison, MI
Hi Sebrena...I'm glad to hear that all went well and that you able to eat without being sick.  Sounds like you are doing absolutely fantastic with your weight loss...Keep up the great work!
Best wishes to you too!

My mantra:  Each day is an new opportunity to be happier, healthier and better than the day before.  I will live each day with enthusiam and be thankful for the many blessings that surround me. I will do my best to pay it forward whenever possible

on 5/7/10 8:09 am

Wow, you are an ispiration with the weight loss, though I am sorry to hear that you are having so much trouble with being sick.  Hope this procedure helps you.
Keep up the good work!

on 5/8/10 4:03 pm
Just a quick update...Although I wasn't expecting it to work...IT DID...I can eat now without throwing up every bite I eat. Oh and lost a few more pounds I'm so happy I had mine done. To think I almost backed out of it lol...best wishes
Tom C.
on 5/8/10 9:29 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

Glad to see you're ok once again. This is a great lesson for many. Fill's aren't suppose to be sooo tight you can't eat. That's not the way the band is suppose to work. An unfill can be the best thing you can do for yourself.

Keep up the great work. Keep us posted how things go.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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