
Another Fill on Thurs - Help? Long post, sorry

on 5/4/10 5:29 am

It's been over 90 days since banding, and I've lost about 50 lbs. However, I can still eat as much as I want! I think I could eat a whole turkey! There is a general 'less hungry' feel about me, but the operation was supposed to make me UNABLE to eat when full. I eat for a lot of emotional reasons and I have lost this weight because I have been exercising at least an hour a day and keeping my calories to about 1400. But yesterday, I lost control and had over 3000! Problem is, I am still losing weight so they don't want to fill me more (and somehow seem to think I know nothing about what I am doing - like when I try to explain they just talk louder). 

 What to do? Keep begging for more fills? They only have me at 4 now.

on 5/4/10 5:56 am - Morrisville, PA
Hummm...that really is a tough question.  My doctor and PA are great and give me a fill even when I'm losing weight.  They ask questions about the amount of food I can eat, if I feel full or just stop eating on my own.  They listen which is wonderful.  What about switching doctors?  When you have good restriction you cannot overeat.  You will be able to graze so be careful.  The other day after I was cleaning up the dishes and my son had one brussel sprout left on his plate so I reverted back to "such a shame to waste food" thinking and ate the brussel sprout...I was full and that little bit was too much and I had to throw it up.  Things like that make me so mad because I know better, but once in a while the old food monster comes back.  The band is a wonderful tool and when you have good restriction food has less control.  Not sure if I helped you at all but you have a tool and should be able to use...speak with your doctor again or find a new one.
            No longer a slave to hunger!                        
on 5/4/10 6:05 am
Thanks...I am obligated to find a new one because I am moving to Canada in a few months anyway. Also I don't find I'm too tempted by leftover brussels sprouts :) What they usually do is give me the fill and then ask me to drink water. This time, I'm going to down the whole bottle in one go and see what happens. Thanks for your help!
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