
2.5 weeks post op; no weight loss for 1.5 weeks

on 5/1/10 11:27 pm - Alexandria, VA
 I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts! I am not too worried (yet) but I want to hear from some others...

I had my surgery April 13 and lost about 13lbs in the first 10 days post-op on the clear liquid diet. Then in the middle of my first post-op appointment I was sent to the ER bc the doc thought I might have a pulmonary embolism since I'd gone from being able to walk 4 miles pre-op to not even making it up a flight of stairs without my heart pounding out of my chest...

...I do NOT have a pulmonary embolism...but I was admitted for the night bc my heart wouldn't settle down. The doc at the hospital put me on a beta-blocker (Atenolol) to get my heart to beat at a more normal pace.

So I was 245 both on my home scale and at the surgeon's office that afternoon; when they admitted me to the hospital (after a bag of IV fluids) I was 250....and I've been 250--EXACTLY--ever since. 

I'm getting my protein in, I'm taking my meds and vitamins, and I'm drinking plenty. I'm also walking 2.5-3miles/day now...so WHAT IS UP?!  My period has come and gone, so that isn't it.

I should have lost at least another 3-4lbs based on the calorie deficit--even if I was dehydrated by 5lbs when I went to the ER, I should have lost about that much in fat by now even if my body is still trying to retain that much in water, you know?

THOUGHTS?! Help!! :)

on 5/1/10 11:30 pm - Alexandria, VA
 ...one more thing: my thyroid is perfect, if maybe a little hyper. It was tested 2 weeks pre-op and was perfect....so I've maintained the same synthroid dose...so that isn't it.
on 5/2/10 12:22 am

I'm about 4 weeks post-op and this is exactly what happened to me.  It was certainly frustrating yet I knew I wasn't doing anything wrong. 

When I went for my post-op the doc said that the rapid weight I lost that first week but really just because I was eating hardly anything.  Then once I introduced some food the body kind of held on.  The next week i finally lost another 2 lbs.  And then nothing since.  So it's slow. Not sure if it's something I'm doing but I'm exercising, getting protein in, etc. and it doesn't make sense that I'm not budging.  I am going to metabolic specialist in a few weeks to see if I have any issues.

My thyroid has always been fine too.

on 5/2/10 2:48 am - Alexandria, VA
 Oh thank goodness I'm not alone! :) Not that I'm glad that you, too, are going through this...just that misery loves company. :)

Keep me posted on your progress! I *know* my body is funky--otherwise I would have lost the weight with the million+ diets I did pre-op, right? :) I'm just sad that even with surgery, it STILL is being weird...really hoping it stops soon.

Thanks so much for your reply--and I wish you much luck, too!

on 5/2/10 8:15 am
Me too!!!!  I lost 28 lbs before & right after surgery but as soon as I started eating solid foods...nothing!  I am working out 40 min 4 times a week & I really am eating right...what gives?!?!
on 5/2/10 8:29 am - Alexandria, VA
 We should start a club called, "Early Stallers"!!! HAHA! :)

How long have you been stalled???
on 5/2/10 9:22 am
Two weeks!!!   I am frustrated!!!  I will go to the training center at my Drs office to see what they say...I will let you know!
on 5/2/10 9:59 am - Alexandria, VA
 DO! YES! I want to hear what they say!!

I'm wondering if mine is from the Atenolol bc "rapid weight gain" is a side effect...and I wonder if I am actually "losing" weight but replacing it with water retention from the atenolol...something to ask the cardiologist about!

I am SO GLAD I'm not alone! What a relief! I thought I was cursed! ha!
Lisa Y.
on 5/2/10 9:39 am
Me too Candace. I lost 12.5 lbs the first week and only 2.5 the next. I have not weighed myself since then. I think I am only going to weight myself everyother week to give myself a greater sense of accomplishment. :)  I go back to the doctor on Tuesday. I'll let you know how it goes. 

Since you are exercising so much you might want to take your measurements and see if you are losing inches instead of lbs.

on 5/3/10 2:03 am - Alexandria, VA
 I'm not dropping inches, either....pants fit exactly the same...grr

on the scale today, still 250! at least I'm consistent, right? ha! 

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