
10 Month Update

on 4/30/10 4:00 pm - Lake Elsinore, CA
Well since my last update a lot has been going on in my life. My father was recently diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer which has spread to the Liver. Due to the stage it is in-operable & he has since started chemo. As of today he is doing well, gaining weight & so far pain free. It has been an emotional roller coaster for me these past 2 months. When I saw my doctor he said I had lost 6 lbs which took me down to 204 lbs. I then explained it was probably from the stress, so I explained the situation with my dad's illness. He did try to give me a fill but was only able to give .5 cc, so now I have a total of 4.5 cc. He was barely able to pull back when he gave me a fill so that there is telling him something is wrong. He said to come back in 6 weeks which will be May 13th to see how I am doing. He believes I have a bad port. He has had to go in & revise another patients port as of now. Now I really do think my port is bad since the other patient lost 35 lbs & had just had surgery. I am now 10 months out & as of today I have lost 38 lbs with surgery & 47 total. My current  weight as of this morning is at 197 lbs. That is roughly 7 lbs since my last appt. It doesn't seem like much but my lab readings are GREAT!! My A1C is now at 6.1. I am almost considered normal.lol. The BEST thing so far is I feel much better & my medication is practically gone!!
I will try my best to get on here more to see how everyone is doing. Hope all is well & much success to you all!!

on 5/1/10 7:30 am
So sorry to hear about your father, but glad to hear that he is doing well as of now.  47 pounds is nothing to sneeze at.  Keep up the good work and best of luck to you.
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