
I need 30 seconds of your time, please help make school lunches healthier for our kids

Lori Black
on 4/28/10 8:17 pm - , IN
Hey guys!

I don't know how many of you have been watching Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, but let me tell you, it's CHANGED my views completely on cooking even healthier meals for my kids and hoping to get the schools to change their lunch menus.  We have a huge fight on our hands to get the schools to go from processed crapola to fresh cooked foods, but the first steps are to get this petition signed to be taken to President Obama to show him that America cares what the schools are giving to our kids.  I am really considering going to our school system to start the fight in our area.  With my past issues with obesity, it's a huge concern to me that my children are being offered the types of meals that they are in their schools.  When you look at the menus from the GOVERNMENT....it's enough to make you barf. 

I won't go into details unless you guys want to hear more.  PLEASE click the link below to sign the petition.  You only have to enter your email address, name, and zip code.  Please help make a difference in my kids, your kids, and your loved ones kids health.  You can see the complete season of Jamie Olivers show on the website, it's REALLY inspiring to see what this man is trying to do! 

http://www.jamieoliver.com/campaigns/jamies-food-revolution/ petition

Thanks you guys!!!!

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