
Just a little Pity Party

on 4/25/10 12:12 pm - Euless, TX
Dear OH Family,

I use this site as my free on-line therapy session, so please forgive me when I go on about my "Woe is me".....

I am 2 months post op.  I have lost 20lbs.  I am eating well.  My food bill a month has gone from $380 to $150.  I am wearing clothes that I have not been able to wear in awhile.  I started working out vigorously since 03/16/10 from salsa, hip/hop abs, kickboxing, power-walking 1-3 miles, elliptical at least 3 x's/wk at least 30mins. I take my vitamins, I drink my water. No SODAS, personal victory. I have had one fill-still don't feel the restriction, but I know when to put the fork down.

Sounds like I am doing everything right, right? I have read Tom's post many times about everyone losing weight at different rates, 10% weight loss is different for someone who weighs 400, 300, 200 and so on. I get it, I do. I know I don't want to lose weight too fast because I want to mold my body to match and not have the excess skin, or as much. I am young. I have not had children...........

It is literally driving me insane.  Some people who just had the surgery 2 weeks ago have lost more.  

Someone please put me in my place.
Lisa Y.
on 4/25/10 1:09 pm

I'm only 2 weeks out, so I haven't had this frustration yet, but judging by what everyone else says  - I will.  Here's my advise...

People who have lost more than you might have had more to lose to begin with, so don't beat yourself up. Have you tried taking your measurements? It looks like you are exercising quite a bit, so maybe you are building up muscle. You might be losing inches. 

I hope this helps.


on 4/25/10 1:56 pm
It is hard. To give encouragement for the months to come, I didn't start losing more weight until around month 2-3 after surgery. I think once I started eating regularly and gave my body enough time to completely heal it just started clicking. Plus with all that exercise (I am doing a lot as well) your body is building muscle and you may not see the weight drop as fast but you WILL notice it in your clothes and make sure you take measurements. Forget the scale, it is only a number. I look at clothing b/c that is a great representation of what you actually look like and how much smaller you are getting.

Keep your hard work up and I promise it WILL pay off, and most likely when you least expect it.
Begin Pre-Op diet at 292--End Pre-Op diet at 277
Post-Op weight 277
Goal weight 175
Goal 2 weight 150        
on 4/25/10 9:04 pm
Hi Melodyor2
     I know exactly what you mean, I do the same thing to myself especially on here seeing all the amazing stories of weight loss.  First thing I had to do was seperate the RNY from the bandsters, they loose weigh sooo much faster than we do.  I would really judge myself harshly when looking at others, but had to learn to accept that every one is different, our bodies are all different, and we loose weight all at different rates. 
     Then you have to take a step back and look at all you have accomplished 20 lbs down, food bill down, wearing clothes you haven' worn in a while, working out vigorously, increasing water, taking vitiamans, NO soda.   Those are great accomplishments, look at how far you have come and that will help you progress.  I am sure you feel so much better as well.  That is a great thing! And it will only get better in time, not only how you feel, but how you look and what you are able to do.   
     So Keep up the wonderful work and don't beat your self up, you are doing FANTASTIC!!!!

Tom C.
on 4/26/10 9:33 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

Think of this, someone is comparing your lost to theirs are are jealous how successful you are.

What we need to realize it is our human nature to compare ourselves and our success with others. But what you need to do is stop and take inventory where you are now compared to where you've started. When you see all the success you have, you then need to look in the mirror and say CONGRATS !! And know YOU ARE DOING IT !!

Keep up the great work !!
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 4/26/10 12:06 pm - Euless, TX
Thank you all to have responded!

I am so relieved to know that I am not alone.  It's been a really stressful week for me and the only thing I can control right now is my weight loss.  Work is kicking my   *ss!

Much love!

on 4/26/10 1:47 pm - Athens, GA
I have found that a lot of ppl include the pre-op wt. lost in their ticker as opposed to it being just wt. loss since surgery. So some that your comparing to are not exactly an accurate account of a 2 wk. post-op wt. loss.




on 4/27/10 11:13 pm - Shrewsbury, PA
Hi Melody,
I'm about the same as you. I've lost 19 pounds in about three weeks. It's slowing down and even fluctuating up on some days. I feel impatient. Find myself pondering such things...have come to realize (no pun intended) that I have always been geared to making it to the end of the diet..the goal. I think I need to change that goal a bit. I think the goal should be a little more like tackling the notion that this is not temporary. Like taking that last drink isn't the goal...never taking the having another drink is...so the rush to the goal of losing x number of pounds isn't really what's going on here. Hard to swallow (LOL)! So...I'm trying to focus on that. Not on the amount of time it takes to get there. So, I'm getting off my soap box now!!
Good luck! You are sooo not alone!
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